
Everything is terrible. How are you today?

Lets say goodbye to one of TV's most mature and thoughtful sitcoms. Meanwhile, we get a "Big Bang Theory" spin off.

I felt his crack at Josh Radnor was kinda mean.


In the time you wrote this comment, Akiva Goldsmith just sold a screenplay titled "Failing Upward" for a million dollars!

Do you live in Hollywood?

John Oliver does throw in a oddball reference once in awhile.

Yeah, but they are funny and cool together, not just cutesy whatever.

Yeah, it did but was it some anti trans propaganda? I think you are giving it too much credit.

Pat was basically a throw away sketch on SNL from many years ago. I don't think it had more of a agenda than that.

Is it a man? Is it a women? Who cares? The kids seem to like it! And what's the deal with airplane peanuts?

In fairness to a SNL writer from 20 something years ago, I think this person is giving Pat more thought than the SNL writer from 20 something years ago.

The thing I don't get is they literally pushed the fact they are great together at every public appearance and a guest starring episode of "Mom". Like, if you aren't really going to make it, why make this public image of being great together? There are celebrity couples that are really private. Even Ashton Kutcher and

Exactly my point. Just because I think we need to move in more liberal direction, doesn't mean I'm some hipster prick who looks down on American culture.

Look, I'm a liberal guy. I believe what America needs is common sense regulations and some rethinking of our country in the 21st century. I don't hate America. I love this big goofball of a country, but it makes sense to look at windmills and solar panels instead of more coal. What groups like the NRA and Trump

Yeah. That's odd too. The last time I saw Jamie Foxx on TV was his WB sitcom.

It reminds me of my favorite thing Kevin Smith ever said. He was adapting Superman for the movies, for a screenplay which ended not getting used. However, he knew he was in trouble, when the producer said "Me and you know Superman because me and you are from the hood".

Yeah. I get what you are saying but I chalk up to a bad screenwriting more than some sinister intention, though.

I'll be her knight in shining armor! But in all seriousness, yeah.

What's up with Halle Berry's career? From respected Oscar nominated actress to ton of crappy B movies, a odd short lived science fiction TV show and this? Who's making her career choices? She needs a new agent.