That AV RV

hand-clapping was a thing in my household too… Well just by me, my roommate surely just thought I was crazy.

me too! I cheered and all, I just love that ridicule man. THE moooooch!

yeah, he was the MVP last night. His facial expressions while his brother talks are golden.

Yeah, I thought this had become a new law already. I'm complaining to Sessions right now.

… When you love everything about the show except the show.

I love that kind of strain. The most close I have been to doing housework after smoking was with Euforia, and it’s my favorite. But this year I had a friend of mine cultivating a strain called Green Crack, and the description in leafly literally said something like “This makes me wanna go and do the dishes. This is

Nah, it´s not like you are Hitler. But you should give it a try, cause every episode has a different "theme", or focus, or tone. So its really a different experience every time, with some episodes, like BAN, being its own show. And its a short season too, that always help.

I didn't know about Fargo up until now. This sucks, I love Fargo, and yeah, Legion too, but this still sucks. Fargo is just gorgeous, every shot is perfect, from V.M. Varga cleaning his rotten teeths to those wide shots full of snow and empty highways.

haha Thi, along with a friend of mine recently seeing Atlanta for her first time, has already giving me nostalgia for the show. Time to rewatch the whole season, or at least that perfect episode.

And its global. From minute 1, I asked seeso if I could suscribe, but their service was super limited.

"he is fucking dumb and crazy, I tell you, uber dumb. Trump is so fat, he can´t even try to suck his own dick, no, really, I ve seen him try, super sad… By the way, was that camera ON?

Have not even heard about it. But if Danny Pudi was in there, I will give it a try.

"toothless", what else do you want Colbert to say? Guy has a keen eye to elevate some weird details other tend to forget between the everyday madness. And he doesn´t just explains the news, his jokes aim more on hurting Trump´s ego, talking down to him like the insecure-entitled-racist-baby-idiot that he is. I swear,

As long as it triggers the Orange One, as long as it gives him a faint heart attack or a headache, I want SNL all day long.

"And to love. Ah, love. L-O-V-E, love. L is for life. And what is life without love?" That episode is just perfect. Drunk Ross is the better Ross.

Ross yelling "Im gonna make fajitas" just kills me every time. Season 10 and that its my favorite Ross episode. He definitley became more funny with time.

Exactly! I think i'm gonna watch that moment, because I kept waiting for something weird to happen and did not notice that the soup cup had a different location.

Yeah, when did that theory happen??


Gotta admit, im, like, pumped af for this.