The Flyin Hawaiian

Hillary Clinton was not a great candidate. You all should have voted for her anyway.

I have to teach in a half hour but I have no idea what I'm doing because I'm wasting my class prep time here

THE RAMONES SUCK. It's so liberating to say that. Also, Big Audio Dynamite are 5000x better than the Clash.

Kanye West and Beyonce are pandering, overrated, pretentious hacks. But pop music critics are afraid to go after them.

I said 'gradual decline'!


The AvClub's gradual decline began when Leonard Pierce was sacked. He had to be fired, yes, but they never found anybody else with anything close to his pop culture savvy, especially concerning music.

hear, hear.

Thanks for thoughtfully unpacking my comment! I agree with all of that.

David Milch's shows are painful to listen to and I haven't gotten into any of them except Luck. Although John had some lucid moments that were really compelling.


It's still brilliant. It's just that the endgame needs to be fairly long because there's so much plot. Once the show is finished I think a lot of the au courant criticism will quell.

Louis CK is awful. Admitting you are a dick and meditating on the ways of your dickishness is not funny. Also, he almost certainly sexually harasses female comedians.

I was looking forward to season two of Vinyl. I think the last episode of the season was close to righting the ship.


St. Vincent decided she wanted to be a pop star and now her music sucks. Hers is the greatest waste of musical talent this millennium.

Community sucks. Metahumor is the easiest form of sitcom humor.

You were the best Will. Keep doing your thing.

Mad Men was a boring, mediocre show that will be forgotten in 10 years.
