The Flyin Hawaiian

It helps that she's on a label with a lot of cache at the moment, Sacred Bones. She also has a lot of industrial music fans to go along with her indie base. Also, compared to the doe-eyed female electronic musicians that have been so prevalent lately (i.e., Grimes, US Girls, Holly Herndon) her dark music and imagery

'by pursuing a strategy of trying to obstruct online music, rather than coopting it, the industry cost itself billions'

No mention of Tar? What the hell!

To be fair, Greg Kot plugs Eleventh Dream Day everywhere. He goes up to strangers in supermarkets to them them how great Eleventh Dream Day were.

'The Major (Scarlett Johansson, perfectly cast)'

Also, Never Forget: when Fallon had Hillary on he wore a face mask, because she was sick and he might catch the germs! So not only did Fallon make Trump seem cuddly he bought into right-wing narratives about Hillary being frail and close to death.

'Louis CK abstains from jokes'

Yeah, some good noisy shit as always.

Liquidizer doesn't get enough attention. A lot of later dance-punk banks owe a lot to it.

Because I'm a Wang Chung pedant: 'Dance Hall Days' was a hit well before the movie (and it's not on the official soundtrack). The title song, however, is the best thing Wang Chung ever did.

And when alive John encouraged Jim to be a dramatic actor, not a comic.

Or the Battle of Bristoe Station!

I think some of the running gags are better than the celebrity imitation sinkholes they kept falling into last year (Fat Thieves was pretty funny.) But (at the risk of sounding prudish) what's kind of turned me off the show lately is that a really puerile scatological sense of humor's seems to have set in more

I would say allowing 'literally' to mean both 'literally' and 'figuratively' offers the potential for more nuance and complexity. If anything's dumbing down the language and making people stupider it's insisting that words and phrases can only mean one thing.

'Perky goth' (aka 'Glitter goth') was definitely a thing in the US starting in the 1990s. It was a safe take on goth–essentially slightly darker versions of rave gear, with lots of 'ironic' pink–for girls who read about it in Seventeen or something and wanted to try it on without having to listen to a Children on Stun

I wish he'd stop this one-movie-a-year thing and take some time to work on one (last?) great film. Magic In the Moonlight was the most slapdash film I've seen in recent memory, yet it had the potential to be one of his best.

I think if the Republicans' tax reform proposal goes as badly as AHCA you'll start seeing the R's make some moves towards impeachment. Your useful idiot is only work keeping if he's actually useful.

1) I'm glad there's consensus on this: Elizabeth Montgomery was gorgeous.

But 'could care less' has accrued a making over time that indeed does make sense to readers, so comprehension isn't an issue. I wouldn't think Oxford was still churning out language prescriptivists, but here we are.

Personally I'm happy with rockists and poptimists staying away from goth and industrial.