An algorithm devised at Comic-Con, no less
An algorithm devised at Comic-Con, no less
I'm not sure: I imagine there's a ton of overlap between MST3K and comic book fanboys. That they added Felicia Day and Patton Oswalt to the new version of the show seems to acknowledge this…
I would have thought Virginia Woolf a more likely alt-right fave.
Dennis Miller's reference's aren't obscure if 1) you'd had a year of college; 2) you've watched more than one movie made before 1960; 3) are vaguely familiar with key political figures from the 1970s onward.
'Kesha got some truly horrible legal advice from a publicity seeking lawyer'
The early 90s were pretty tough economically. Things didn't start picking up until mid-decade.
Fleabag was supposed to be a comedy?
It's time to send up another Voyager capsule with some Gang of Four or Nirvana or something in there.
Vaccines are bullshit. -Bill Maher (20 January 1956 - )
That first tweet captures the essence of Artie Lange. I'm starting to admire the guy.
Ah, back in the days when they predicted record labels desperate for a new hip big-selling genre to take over as the alternative boom started to bust insisted that electronica would be America's next big music
The few times I've seen Sports Jeopardy it was about 70% 'supposedly witty banter between hosts and contestants' and 30% questions. It's horrible, which is a shame because there are good game shows that could be sports trivia-focused. (ESPN's Stump the Schwab was great.)
This is a good one. Very atmospheric.
Back in my goth days Sisters of Mercy's Floodland never failed as a makeout album. Especially when my lady friend would mime along when Eldritch sang 'get down, get undressed' and 'fuck me and marry me young'.
You are in enemy country.
Be alert.
Be suspicious of everyone.
Take no chances.
They've had no free speech.
Read no free press.
They were brought up on straight propaganda.
They have been trained to hate and destroy.
Do you know how many time zones there are in the Soviet Union? It's not even funny.
When I see Lauren Graham mentioned I still think Newsradio before Gilmore Girls. Hers was the best arc of one one of the all-time greatest sitcoms.
The other half of that duo was Robson Green, who's anchored a few great British detective shows, most recently Grantchester.
I respect her long intros and the context they provide. But with the tax thing it was pretty obviously a way to try to lend gravitas to the issue after having (somewhat, but not entirely, inadvertently) set up unrealistic expectations about what she had. Maddow's audience doesn't need 20 minutes on why Trump's tax…