The Flyin Hawaiian

A lot of people say (and said after election day in 1988) that Bentsen would have been a better presidential candidate based on one quip in a debate against the dumbest person then alive. But it's absolutely not true. Bentsen was a conservative-leaning military and fiscal hawk who, before becoming a vp candidate,

I'd say that the famous David Broder line approvingly quoted by Sally Quinn–'He [Bill Clinton] came in here and he trashed the place, and it's not his place'–suggests that the media's dislike of the Clinton's comes from actual elitism: that these hicks from Arkansas had no business being in Washington DC.

'the Tepper School of Business'

I spent so much of the early-to-mid 90s wandering drunk around Montclair, NJ.

Hey, that's just what her dad told her to write!

But it's the coastal elites who are out-of-touch!

You're not. I've always liked The Apprentice format, and the worst thing about it has always been Trump (especially once they started to give half the show over to the Boardroom.) It's a show crying out for a new host, and Schwarzenegger is a brilliant choice. (Martha Stewart's season was great too.) But I can't watch

If I were Conan, I'd air the new show at 11:30 on Saturday night. Nobody's gone after Saturday Night Live in ages, and Conan could be viable competition. (Ideally he'd take over SNL after Lorne goes, but I'm guessing that bridge burned ages ago.)

I see what you're getting at, but I disagree. (It doesn't help that her own language is vague–'ineffective' at doing what? I think if the answer were only 'being funny', she'd say that more clearly) For one thing, again ideally the Jim Jones gag would be subject to the same criticism; it's also a metaphor that doesn't

Why do punk rock guys go out with new wave girls?

His prices are . . .

With Cusack I think the major issue is simply that he aged out of his specialty 'aimless young man' roles and doesn't have the skills to reinvent himself as a character actor. His reputed surliness doesn't help, nor the sense that he doesn't like his aimless young man parts and films despite their awesomeness.

Excellent premiere. MSW really found its stride last season; if hope we're getting regular coverage this year.

The nation united behind From Justin To Kelly!

I guess Cameron Esposito's checks stopped clearing.

He's not going to pork her, Russ.

I'm sorry, but no, the show's quite real. NBC first aired it in January 2004, and has run for 15 cycles, including eight celebrity editions. Fourteen of these were hosted by Donald Trump, but Arnold Schwarzenegger hosts the current series. Martha Stewart also had her own Apprentice series for one season.Past winners

I don't think I'd call Air Supply 'hard rock'.

Believe it or not, pro wrestling fans are slightly more likely to be Democrats. This might change with the McMahon/Trump connection (at least I'm rethinking my WWE Network subscription)

Liberal activists fight hard, except when it comes time to vote