The Flyin Hawaiian

And because he liked her Trump actually kept her on on a few weeks where she should have been fired for fucking up the task. Seriously the fact that she's the Apprentice candidate who got a position in his administration says a lot, but nothing good, about Trump's management style.

Silver Spoons-era Bateman; the darkest and broodiest Bateman of all

For 'Wild Orchid' read 'Two Moon Junction'. Sherilyn Fenn!!

Also, contact booksellers, especially local ones, and advise them not to carry the book.

These days Oxford World's Classics are better than Penguin Classics anyway. Too many Penguins are outdated, with texts and intros that are more than 50 years old. (Although they are slowly updating their older titles.)

It would make me angry too, but we're desperate to get rid of the sonofabitch.

Whatever; let me know when we Americans grow up and start using single quotes.

Agreed that you probably need to be James L. Brooks, and it's equally important to heed the 30 seconds of syrup.

Most recently (that I've seen), Trainwreck. Final hour of the film decides that having Amy Schumer grow up is more important than being funny.

As an academic, I was actually trained to avoid 'problematic'.

I hope my kids develop their own musical favorites, and I don't want to be COOL DAD who pushes his music on his offspring. We made fun of the baby boomers for doing that to us!

I get where you're coming from. As a Kansan I'm hoping Trump's keeping a job open for Sam Brownback.

More along the line of the Peels you've been listening to, the Xmal Deutschland session is one of the best.

He got some press a few years back (including an appearance on Bill Maher's show) for a rant complaining that he thought he was taxed too much. I don't think he's a 'big right-winger' yet but he may be heading that way.

Not Adrian Zmed!

Cure Peel Session is great, especially '10:15 Saturday Night'. Go for the second New Order session next; superior versions of two tracks from Power, Corruption and Lies and two otherwise unrecorded songs, including their only cover. That should fix your mood.


I think the switchover to Disqus was in part motivated by people creating accounts just to be offensive; in retrospect it seems quaint that people apparently thought there was a problem in AVC comments sections pre-Disqus. Also IIRC the comment system we have now was supposed to be temporary: they were going to add

Along a similar line, just stop writing stories about internet/social media fads without really looking at them critically to determine if there's a story there at all. I'm thinking specifically of the mini-boomlet of stories about the fake Shazam movie starring Sinbad, which some pop-culture writers tried to tie into

There seemed to be an awful lot of commercials in 2016 that used the 'white people making hip-hop gestures' bit for humor. That needs to stop.