The Flyin Hawaiian

I think it's the other way: comedies aren't loud and juvenile enough, and have to be heartwarming in the third act. I watched Old School the other day; if they made that in 2017 the last 1/2 hour would be Frank the Tank reconciling with his wife and changing his ways.

Dawes jokes are a link to the AV Club's Silver Age and should never go away. In fact this year I plan on bringing back 'Where's Firefly?' and 'OF COCK' in a big way.

This is becoming a problem as fewer people buy physical music, and record companies, who for a few years seemed to be dropping prices on CDs to encourage people to keep buying them, now appear to be trying to wring every last penny of the dwindling music-buying audience. Case in point: the new Human League anthology

Yeah, I don't mind cop or lawyer shows but I would strongly support a moratorium on setting shows in NYC.

I've said this before in these parts: nobody should ever use 'problematic' unless it's followed by the word 'because' and then a description of the problem raised by the work under discussion. And once you've described the problem, you don't really need to use the word 'problematic' anymore. In short: it's essentially

I absolutely agree with many of these, but none more than #4. At the risk of sounding like Homer Simpson yelling at Prairie Home Companion: has there even been another time when so many nominal comedians worked so hard to not be funny? And I don't simply mean Louis CK or Tig Notaro or that ilk, but the Aptow-inspired

The biggest issue with the show for me is that it never commits to acknowledging that Carrie is a somewhat toxic narcissist. I think it was moving in that direction in the Aiden storylines, but that gave way to a full-on embrace of a fairytale ending in the final seasons. Which leads me to:

'If she had bothered to actually try to appeal to working-class dems instead of trying to get moderate republicans over to her side, the scandal wouldn't have made a difference.'

1) you have no evidence that the newspaper manufactured evidence, and so far as I can tell no one is claiming this. In any case, the DNA is going to be tested again so maybe we'll have a better understanding of what the DNA means.

Do you have any evidence that the evidence cited by the newspaper is somehow unreliable, beyond your wanting it to be so because THE MEDIA?

So news organizations should not report on 20-year-old unsolved crimes? And reporters should never question evidence that is supposedly 'blatantly exculpating'? We should listen to our masters and take what's given to us without question?

I should say, all kidding aside, I don't know what exactly happened, but from the evidence it's almost certain that the parents had something to do with it: either one or both murdered her or covered it up (if she were murdered by the son or someone they knew). Despite my crass initial post I'm not certain what her

In other words, that a local news organization brought in outside experts to do some reporting is a sign that journalism is dying? Your logic is bizarre.

'Here's the text. Where does it reference the bonus?'

The DNA shows no such thing:

A three-page (IIRC) note, including a rough draft? Making reference to a very specific bonus that the father got? In remarkably neat handwriting considering he's writing it in the house not knowing when anyone would come down to the basement? (Or is this argument that he wrote the note elsewhere and planted it?)

IIRC some people think an intruder could have done it, but I don't find it remotely possible that someone other than the Ramseys wrote that ridiculous 'ransom note'. So yeah, probably somebody in the house. The parents if not the kid.

I forgot to add: James Woods loves cocaine

In fairness, he probably did kill Jon-Benet, and his parents covered it up.

Yeah that's kind of what they did on the Nihil tour: they played the complete album in order then a set of older tracks as an encore. That's a better record than Symbols so I liked that tour rather better.