The Flyin Hawaiian

Absolutely. I guarantee you 'deplorables' did not cost her one vote. People who say they were offended by this were either voting against her anyway or looking for a reason to vote against her.

This is sad, and she's gone too soon, but to sum up Carrie Fisher's life: she starred in one of the greatest movie series of all time, banged Harrison Ford, did all the cocaine, and reinvented herself as a credible author. She lived awesome. RIP

Howard Dean dropped out because he underperformed and lost Iowa, burning through most of his cash on hand and revealing that his online support wasn't translating to real support. Coverage of the scream was monumentally unfair (pretty much the media making Dean pay for not supporting the Iraq invasion) but he was sunk

Andrew Ridgeley is rich as hell and married the hottest chick in Bananarama. He doesn't care whether or not anyone remembers him.

*plays the saxophone solo from 'Baker Street', because it's awesome*

My wife and her sister–both of whom were tweens when Wham! were at their peak–are freaking out about this right now. Totally sad and sudden news.

George 'sports machine' Michael has been dead for some time.

'Leia's in her 40s in that book, and she's constantly frustrated by the younger members of the new senate, who don't remember what it was like to live under the Empire and just how bad it really was.'

Wondering if TVDW wasn't thinking ahead to the Tony B. plot, where Tony does do something similar. In any case, a bizarre aside.

From Where To Eternity is, for me, a skippable episode, aside from the ending. The Sopranos' episodes that address the metaphysical were never their strongest (and that includes the 6b arc). Also, the 'low-level wannabe mobsters turn on Tony's crew in a misguided demonstration of ambition' story is done much better in

Yep. This has been an issue throughout the entire history of Obamacare. People in Kentucky love their Kinect but hate Obamacare.

goddamn it

Unquestionably. I think this was more of a factor in WI and MI than people want to admit.

Comparing the quality of campaigns is fruitless; if anything this election proved a lot of political scientists right: campaigns don't matter (much). Obama ran a good campaign in 2008, but the fundamentals were so far in his favor that he could have run Trump's campaign and won. To a slightly lesser degree, 2012 was

I've honestly found myself thinking that Oprah or George Clooney should try for the Democratic nomination in 2020. It's depressing.

I'm not certain non-voters are any different than dumb voters. If after the most interminable presidential campaign in history some Obama voters aren't convinced that they needed to get off their asses to vote for Hillary, they were just as unreachable.

At least Reagan and Dubya had some experience in government: you could expect they could run the country with some minimal degree of competence. The past election is about as stark a contrast between 'competent, professional politician' and 'half-literate buffoon' that you could imagine.

And that's one of the most distressing takeaways from the election.

That's a product of Kent Brockman.

I don't think it's fair to say Hillary lost it. When you read the interviews with Trump voters who are actually shocked that Trump is likely to take away their Obamacare/Medicare or defund Planned Parenthood, it becomes clear that nothing in this election could possibly overcome the stupidity of the average American.