The Flyin Hawaiian

Seriously for a while it was fun seeing him be a terrible human being to dunderheaded MBAs competing for a job being his servant. But at no point did I think 'The host of this mildly entertaining reality show would make an excellent president.'

I wish they'd gone towards more of a minimal synth sound than the house/pop/whatever thing they got into on Olympia, which doesn't fit their lyrics at all IMHO. They're a group that needs to get weirder.

The salvagable point from this remarkably dumb discussion is that Sinbad would have been much better in Kazaam than Shaq.

Austra's first album was great. They lost it after that.

Remember when Avril Lavigne tried to be punk rock? That was hilarious.

Don't soil the good names of Sol Invictus and Death In June by even jokingly associating them with Trump!

By guess was Carl Sandburg, operating on the Jeopardy principle that the answer to any question mentioning Chicago is likely to be Carl Sandburg.

Contraception. Pro-lifers don't just want to overturn Roe v. Wade, they want Griswold v. Connecticut so they can gut the entire idea of a right to privacy.

Yes, but that logic is based on a demonstrably false premise, so fuck them.

I'd make that '8 months'. Their coverage was horrible.

Also, campaign strategists from now on have to presume that evangelicals will turn out for any Republican candidate, even a serially-married sex offender. I think the idea that evangelicals would not vote for Trump was baked into a lot of polling analyses and might explain why some were off.

Yeah people are rightly worried about normalizing Trump; I'm more afraid of people normalizing Dubya. I'll best good money that the next presidential election there will be some subset of disaffected progressives arguing 'Dubya was the last real Democratic president'.

Related to this: a tendency to ignore or devalue anything that isn't (easily) quantifiable. Fielding has always been a sabermetric weak spot; it took awhile for the Billy Beane 'fielding doesn't matter' perspective to fall out of favor.

410 of which are the best of the year, according to Todd VanDerWerff

Anyone who starts eating Burger King or some other rank shit on a plane should be thrown off. Dammit, America, you can wait two hours to eat a meal

Yep, I remember Hillary lecturing people about white privilege all the time. Unquestionably the reason she lost the electoral college.

For most of the 90s at least he had the best hair/beard combo in the business.

To second MJS, I (a Philly-to-Washington DC native, recently transplanted to the midwest) have never heard anyone use 'flyover state' to contemptuously refer to the midwest.

I had to read that based on your comment…my god. Poor guy's completely out of his element when he's not talking about serialized prestige television shows.