The Flyin Hawaiian

Stacey Q's underrated as a pioneer of American synth pop; SSQ's Playback is a masterpiece.

It does make them cooler. It might be shallow but I cringe when people complain about Kraftwerk or the Smiths not getting in. I don't want great bands tarnished with the odor of dad rock.

Seriously. When it counted Jon Stewart didn't have the balls to rally people to vote against the Tea Party.

Speaking of which, I'd bet good money on Ariana switching back sometime during the Trump administration.

Despite all the noise about how Hillary lost the election, both candidates turned out their bases, but Trump did so more than anybody expected in the right states (which is why some of the state polling was off.)

But his ex-bandmates will gladly show up at the ceremony to accept the award, and then perform with Green Day.

*ahem* need I introduce you to mr. LEBRON JAMES???

Yeah, that's really odd because Prog is a genre always cited as underrepresented in the R&R Hall of Fame because of Rolling Stone's famous antipathy to Prog. And even with Yes inducted it's still arguably underrepresented.

I was up above it, but now I'm down in it.

Season 2 was great. The plot was a bit convoluted, but the acting and character work was on par with the first season.

Yeah well Showtime called and said the jerk store ran out of you

He's already working around the clock!

Andy Richter's awesome. No idea why there's a picture of three Tom Arnolds at the top of this article.

It's still the Age of Apatow!

Absolutely agreed on your last paragraph (although it's odd that you're yada-yada-yadaing his lying about his hypothetical policies, particularly on something easily verifiable like his stance on protectionism). But that's also why it's disingenuous to argue he was on Clinton's left on anything.

I can make a credible argument that had not a butterfly in Argentina flapped its wings in 1946 Hillary Clinton would have won the election in a landslide. That butterfly has blood on its hands!

'Her platform would still be considered centrist anywhere else in the world'

It's a 'policy' not rooted in anything. He's certainly not 'advocating' anything; I guarantee you he's not going to re-negotiate a single trade deal and his policies will remain close to the 'neoconservative laissez faire / free-market economic doctrine' that he actually practices. (If only we paid more attention to

Right. And in 2016 it turns out that being a Bernie-type liberal was not enough to win an election*; that the problem is not that Hillary was not liberal enough (even though she ran on the most liberal Democratic platform of all time). That worked for Sherrod Brown in 2006 (major Democratic wave) and 2012 (Obama

You're still kidding? I don't remember Trump's platform aiming to make state college free, like Hillary's; his solution to student loans is essentially to get rid of them and undo the student loan reforms the Obama admin put in place (goodbye, income contingent repayment!). How is that moving left? And on trade he