The Flyin Hawaiian

No, but Jesse's articles that the Star Wars prequels were good films may be a contender, I grant.

Article I, section 7, clause 2

Also, claiming that Trump went left of Clinton on anything is the most ridiculous thing I've read on AVC this year.

Absolutely America wanted an FDR-type liberal to vote for in this election. This was proven beyond any doubt when Wisconsin elected Russ Feingold to the Senate by a substantial….wait,what???

No, although I'm not certain what you're trying to refer to by implication.

Not realistically, no. This legislation passed with veto-proof majorities in congress (some of the environmental legislation passed unanimously.) Had Nixon vetoed this he would have effectively been a lame duck halfway through his first term.

Wait, where did you go?

'It's almost like Klink is a kind of prisoner there too, what with Burkhalter and Hochstetter always coming down on him.'

With all of the OJ retrospectives we had this year I wish someone would have pulled out more of Leno's OJ jokes/skits so we can look at them in a new light. That's pretty much the reason Leno started beating Letterman in the ratings: Leno essentially turned his show over to OJ bits while Letterman made a point of not

But the Democrats in Congress at the time wanted to go even further towards single-payer, and the Nixon admin killed health care reform entirely. So again your point is an incomplete narrative that gives Nixon credit he doesn't deserve.

Nixon did not expand Medicare, and signing environmental regs is literally all he did. Congress deserves credit for both.

And 'others', I believe, who wrote…other parts! 1 Henry VI had more rewrites than Suicide Squad.

Yes, the New Oxford Shakespeare (first volume out now!) is the first to credit Marlowe as co-author.

'he Henry VIes aren't the best of Shakespeare's works (and probably not even his - Oxford University Press has started giving Christopher Marlowe partial credit for writing it)'

And for the non-believers, read the case for Marlowe's co-authorship of the Henry Vi plays in the Authorship Companion to the New Oxford Shakespeare, due in March!

In fairness, he is the one who said 'Just grab him in the biscuits.'

He played on the second Exotic Birds record, the name of which escapes me….

'Back there, I could fly a gunship, I could drive a tank, I was in charge of a $146 million federal agency! Back here, I can't even hold a job parking cars!'

Top 3 best R.E.M. albums of 1994 maybe

David Hasselhoff, who the Germans love