The Flyin Hawaiian

Crap, you're right; Sorkin was still there for 4 and left for 5, where it starts declining badly. In fact 4 is a really strong season; I don't see any episodes I remember really disliking.

'A free society requires listening to even detestable speech.'

That final season of Ed felt out-of-step with the previous seasons. The only thing they had left was the Ed/Carol will/won't they; so yeah they ran out of story.

I think it's simpler to read the big decline in Season 4 as *because* Sorkin left, with only die-hards remaining. Episode-by-episode ratings for Season 4 may or may not bear this out: the show declined precipitously in quality during the season.

I'm sorry, you meant we can only assume auto-erotic asphyxiation OWNED ZMF.

Man, remember the TV Club? Those were the days.

No, Rmioner's pretty much correct. You can read all about it in one of the all-time great AVC articles/threads:

Sadly, I guess there was no time to ask about Cursed. I actually liked that show, but it was a major mistake to retool at The Steven Weber Show.

They brought in Mark McKinney, who had a part and I think was responsible for the 'sketches' in the latter episodes. Which is ironic because IIRC he was brought on to punch up SNL when that show was at a low point. He was NBC's comedy fixer in the 00s.

Don't forget that entire rant is directed at a young woman. Who later becomes his intern.

My god that's incredible

And this is what made the casting of Paulson so bizarre. If you're trying to cast a part that could be described as 'Kristin Chenoweth-esque', Paulson, wonderful and talented as she is, would probably be at the bottom of the list. (I wonder if Sutton Foster ever got asked to read for the part)

This is amazing…

I'm sorry but the correct answer is 'because they can't be arsed to do anything except complain on reddit'

Boyd Rice or GTFO

Awesome! Hey man what's your opinion on Mumia

Yeah? Unless you think the hosts should lay off that nice poor young man Mark Wahlberg, it takes effort to find anything hateful about WHM.

He would say, 'You know nothing of my work. You mean my whole fallacy is wrong. How you got to teach a course on anything is totally amazing.'

Yep. 'Put technology in classrooms' is the Underpants Gnome of American educational theory. Meanwhile from my decade+ experience teaching composition at American universities I can say with authority that high school students' writing and critical thinking skills have fallen off a cliff.

I mentioned this in the other thread, but Cash Askew was half of Them Are Us Too, a brilliant gothy/shoegazy band who released their first album last year. She was only 22. Of all the musician deaths in 2016, for me this is the worst; so much potential that will never be fulfilled.