The Flyin Hawaiian

I always thought the problem with The Office USA was that (at least by some point during its run) we were supposed to root for Michael Scott.

That's awesome! I believe it turned out that one of the Gang had actually seen Four Blood Moon, right? Good work!


hmmm my god I wonder why REAL PROGRESSIVES never seem to accomplish anything

Whoa, what letter? Or do we have to guess?

First one of the year! Bowie, Prince, and Cohen were still alive when they recorded that one, and Donald Trump had no shot at the presidency, so yeah it was forever ago. It was Another America, if you will.

Out of that bunch Entourage might be the best intro to the show, although I'd actually recommend starting with some of the classics: Hard Target, Rocky IV, or Tuff Turf.

It's great to see WHM get two writeups here; this is been their strongest year in awhile. Even if you don't listen to the actual movie episodes, the mailbags are incerdible and could be a podcast on their own ('We Hate Going To The Movies', perhaps). Chris Cabin's return from exile re-energized the show. More

I'll bring your fainting couch, sir

I said 'sexual assault', which is what non-consensual sexual contact is. You can stop cutting-and-pasting this link.

It's one of those things that perhaps could have been defended as whimsical before, say, the 2008 crash and Occupy Wall Street, but it's absolutely tone-deaf now.

'But a part of me questions whether or not this actually diminishes the quality of the film as a work of art. You might object to it, or not like it any more, but does that make it worse in of itself?'

Absolutely tragic. RIP Cash

Apparently among the missing is Cash Askew, one half of Them Are Us Too, whose debut album Remain was one of 2015's best. Here's hoping we don't lose another incredibly talented musician in 2016.


I suspect that Michael Richards' meltdown was the event that inspired Seinfeld's 'comics can't be funny now because of the PC' whining.

Watch it again. A lot of fucked-up shit was going on in Pretty Woman.

You don't think Josh Marshall 'talk[s] like an adult'? C'mon man

Actually, I'd say 'conforming to party dogma' is a good reason for a politician to change their mind on an issue. If you're out-of-step with your coalition on a key issue and they need your vote, you'd better flip-flop.

Another concept activist circles could stand to learn: LEADERSHIP. Just because it's a corporate-sounding concept doesn't mean it's useless. Some people are better at nuts-and-bolts organizing and messaging; let them do it! I like the egalitarian notion of giving everyone an equal voice, but that doesn't work