The Flyin Hawaiian

Yep. If anything the Stewart/O'Reilly friendship (not to mention those with McCain, Huckabee, etc) was the worst element of Stewart's show, and it really shouldn't be replicated in the Age of Trump. The idea 'we're just 2 people with different viewpoints' is a version of BOTH SIDES DO IT.

I think Streets of Fire actually plays to Michael Pare's limited strengths, so I don't mind him. I've always had a problem with Rick Moranis playing the bad guy who's boning Diane Lane; that's a contender for the worst miscasting in cinema history. But beyond that, it's an awesome movie.

We can blame McCain for giving Palin a national profile, but Rick Santelli's rant about the possibility of underwater homeowners getting mortgage relief started the Tea Party:

Lust For Youth – modern synthpop that's not just hipsters fucking around

LAIBACH (Spectre is a great record)

I think the band wrote it to be The Single off that record, like 'Stand' from Green. So I think it comes across as less Serious than the rest of the album. But it's a brilliantly constructed track, probably the best R.E.M. pop song, and it is easy to miss the sarcasm out of the context of the record.

Me too. Over time I think it's rep has suffered in the shadow of Automatic For The People, but I think it's one of the strongest records in their catalog. I do wish KRS-ONE could have been arsed to do a better rap on 'Radio Song' tho.

TGT, 'Revo–The Eon Mix'
Wax Idols, 'The Scent of Love'
Swans, 'Blackmail'
The Stockholm Monsters, 'How Corrupt Is Rough Trade?'
Ministry, 'The Missing (Live)'
Savage Republic, 'Siam' (LP version)
Material, 'Time Out (Original)'
Propaganda, 'Jewel'
Mussolini Headkick, 'Jesus Collects'
Scritti Pollitti, 'Scritlocks Door'

I'm got Wire's 'Kidney Bingoes' and 'Silk Skin Paws' and Nitzer Ebb's 'Hearts & Minds' on 3" single. Obviously Mute Records thought they were the wave of the future.

Well, Henry's got the 1 1/2…

I shared a quad in a dorm with a dude named Lorenzo who would alternate between two CDs that he would play loudly every morning: The KLF's The White Room and NWA's Straight Outta Compton. I remember his name because when he played the latter he would sing along with the line 'me and Lorenzo rolling in a Benzo'

There was a pretty good On-U Sound compilation a few years back called Chainstore Massacre. I thought that was pretty good, but yeah this band name tops it.

Are we not saying 'Soy Leeb' anymore?

I just posted a comment about this, but even if you don't like the name (and also: the artwork on their records is absolutely terrible) you should check them out. Not necessarily innovative–they do sound an awful lot like Skinny Puppy–but their sound is really detailed and layered at a time when a lot of electronic

Dead When I Found Her just released their fourth (I think) album; they're one of the best industrial bands working today. They sound a lot like Skinny Puppy c. Cleanse Fold and Manipulate. Also, they did a boss cover of 'In The Air Tonight'. Check them out!

Next time a major celebrity dies be certain you're first to post an R.I.P. (and make it a nice one.)

What I'm taking away from some of the po-faced comments here is that Vaporwave is the new prog: occasionally interesting music undermined by the dour seriousness of its musicians and fans


Let me ask you a question: what time is love?

Post-punk was the important shift. PiL, not Sex Pistols; Wire, not the Ramones. Punk is old-time-rock-n-roll sped up a bit.