The Flyin Hawaiian

Sadly I don't think everyone saying this is joking. And I think it says more about how people watch television/movies/etc these days: the actual story isn't enough; there needs to be a twist that only the most attentive fan theorists can figure out. I guarantee you there will be (are?) YouTube videos 'proving' that

Add this to your weird stats: Orange Country Virginia is a shithole

Especially in the later seasons I wish they'd have Carrie's friends call her out on her toxic narcissism. Overall SATC made a big mistake in not committing to it as an ensemble show.

I'll argue that 'The Man With Two Legs' is the greatest episode of a sitcom ever made.

I'm on probably my 10th rewatch of The Wire right now. I catch something fresh each time. Currently I'm realizing that Andy Krawckyk is pretty much responsible for everything bad happening in Baltimore; he's the real Bad Guy.

I'm with O'Neal on Big Love. First three seasons are brilliant: Bill feels compelled to reconcile his faith and his desire to be a normal businessman; because of this he can't quit his horrible Juniper Creek family even though he should. His wives at once embrace and are anxious about their marriage arrangement, each

I'm always astonished at how many diehard Sopranos fans there are who complain about 'unresolved arcs' like the Russian. (Such fans are the ones behind the ridiculous theories about Tony's certain death in the last episode.) I just can't see how you can be an obsessive fan of a show yet remain unable to accepts its

I'd checked out of Rescue Me more or less before this, but after the episode where Leary's character rapes his ex-wife I'm done with anything Leary-related.

I never thought I'd want to rewatch 6FU again for similar reasons. But over the summer one of the HBO channels marathoned it and I got sucked in again. Knowing that some of the painful character arcs conclude well makes it easy to appreciate on rewatch. (I think it remains the most under appreciated show of The Golden

That's a really strange show to rewatch now. The first couple of seasons really catch that sense of late-90s optimism, that everything was cool, everyone was going to be well-off, and the party would never end. But in later seasons (starting after 9-11) you could see the bubble forming (Carrie's choice of permanent

The Three Johns, 'Do the Square Thing'
Skin, 'Cry Me a River'
The Dead Milkmen, 'Fifty Things'
Ultravox, 'Mine For Life'
Skinny Puppy, 'Assimilate'
Pseudo Echo, 'Listening'
Gary Numan, 'Airplane'
Area, 'As Thick As Thieves'
The Mission UK, 'Wasteland (Dance Mix)'
Live Skull, 'Live Walk'
Swans, 'The Golden Boy Who Was Swallowed

I just had a headphone jack replaced on my 128GB classic from 2008. Cost $50 but absolutely worth it. I'm going to keep this thing alive by any means necessary; within three years I imagine the only original part will be the casing.


Fuck anyone saying that popular vote doesn't matter. Yes, it doesn't count towards the presidential election. But a majority of the American voting public did not want Trump to be president. Electoral college must go!

Yeah, GW Bush had a clear field in 2000, with McCain the only serious 'not W' candidate. Forbes was important in 1996 but made no impact in 2000.


'Rory, you were adopted.'

Thanks for posting this. I loved his work at Lawyers, Guns, and Money and elsewhere. Condolences to his friends and family.

Yeah I go with season 3. They did pretty well with Rory going off to college, but still the show's dynamic shifted and I think the focus gradually became more conventionally relationship-y. (I would have proposed getting Luke and Lorelai together at the beginning of season 4, as an interesting parallel with Rory's

Honesty, and I mean this sincerely because I can relate, if you're really prone to depression you may want to stay away from politics for awhile. For the next few years we're not going to see a lot of the better angels of our nature.