The Flyin Hawaiian

But I reject the idea that 'there was very little specifically addressing their economic concerns'. Affordable health care/child care/tuition/infrastructure spending/job retraining were all policies designed to address their specific issues. They may not be perfect, but they were there. Rural whites chose not to

Do you buy the explanation that WWE is afraid of her injury history and is afraid to focus storylines on her?

I've more or less stopped following WWE since the brand split (too many titles, bad storytelling, the whole James Ellsworth thing sounds like a joke taken too far) but I watched this and found it the best PPV I've seen in awhile. The McMahon concussion sport and Goldberg squash got legit 'HOLY SHIT' responses from me

I'd like to see them pass off Season 7, and the entire April plot, as the first chapter of Rory's novel.

It really was, musically at least (I don't think Lydon quite had the songs.) Dias' bass on 'Seattle' is astonishing.

If you're using 'enacting policies which don't do anything for a group' to refer to Clinton's policies (or progressive policies generally), I reject the premise of your statement. Loads of stuff in the Democratic platform that would help everyone, including rural whites.

And maybe gumdrops will fall from the sky and we'll all dance in a circle and buy the world a Coke.

Absolutely on McGeoch. I was listening to Magazine all weekend; his work is stellar. He's the best part of the late-80s PiL too.

'i don't feel like fighting my fellow liberals over how to oppose Trump'

Big Audio Dynamite: better than the Clash. By miles. First album is the best, but everything up to the Big Audio record is great.

Frankly, I'd argue this is worse than the Trump approach: at least Trump doesn't hide that he's a corrupt asshole; you know what you're getting if you support him. Pence hides his homophobia, corruption, anti-intellectualism &c under a diplomatic statement and suckers fall for it.

[beats up Christian Slater]

To be fair, I also think Lenny Bruce was a talentless asshole

No, and the fact that we did is another failure of this country's political and social institutions.

I'm going to bury the hatchet

I guarantee you: if I'm writing long comments on AV Club, I'm either avoiding some task, and/or I have a rapidly approaching deadline.

Can we stop pretending he's a genius yet?

'a lot of the liberals I encounter here think more in an idealistic space than reality'

This is neither 'smart' nor an example of 'diplomacy and self respect'. It's a politician saving face by giving a carefully scripted response, as literally every other professional politician in the United States would do. (And apparently it's doing what it's supposed to do: get people thinking 'Hey, Pence ain't so

I'm gonna say this once so I can go back to grading these papers that I should have returned last week: