The Flyin Hawaiian

In other words, if Mike Pence didn't hold Mike Pence's political views he'd be a decent president? Who can argue with that!

Considering there seem to be a lot of people praising Pence for not going apeshit about the Hamilton thing, he may not be wrong

Aw, go give mike pence a cookie and pat him on the head why dontcha


I don't know where this idea that trump has a 'strategy' comes from

There's 'giving him a chance', and then there's 'I give Mike Pence big ups for behaving like a conventional politician!' and 'maybe Pence won't hate the gays now that he's VP!' Those latter are things that even Aaron Sorkin would reject for being too naively earnest and politically tone-deaf.

By definition 'diversity' pretty much means 'not a bubble'. This isn't a 'both sides' thing. I'm not aware of progressive policies meant to exclude rural whites, whereas conservative policies are often designed to alienate people of different races, genders, faiths, economic situations, etc. Rural whites have decided

CNN: Donald Trump not only didn't have a plan for X but it sounded like he'd never heard of the issue before; Hillary articulated a plan for X but she just sounded so smug, guys! WHY ARE BOTH CANDIDATES SO EQUALLY BAD

Who was it who tweeted immediately after the first debate that Hillary came across as 'over-prepared'? (Jake Tapper?) In retrospect I should have known then that she was going to lose.

Honestly I wish people weren't so afraid of the 'rural people are the ones in the bubble' idea. I know there's a fear of painting rural folk as simple, dumb hicks, and that's probably a legitimate concern, but right now they're the ones holding back societal and economic progress, not the urban folk.

It's not helping 'us'. Stop.

I know, it's not like things he's said and done in the past are any predicator of how he might govern. Maybe, by science or magic, becoming VP made him tolerant!

And one who was turned down for a judgeship in 1986 because he was too racist. 1986! It was still pretty socially acceptable to be be racist then, so you know he had to have been very goddamn racist.

This is how low the bar has gotten: people 'give credit' for things any non-batshit-insane politician would have done. Don't contribute to normalizing these guys!


Wasn't this the pitch for Law & Order: SVU?

If there's any way to get John Woo and Michael Mann to collaborate on a film it must be done.

I'll second this. Hard Target is the closest Hollywood came to letting Woo be Woo.

This does sound promising. Hopefully HBO actually picks it up.

How I Got Into College (woefully under-appreciated film from the woefully under-appreciated Savage Steve Holland)