The Flyin Hawaiian

Whoa, there should be no beef between Say Anything and Better off Dead. Both are excellent films. What your generator needs to do is replace every mention of Breakfast Club, Sixteen Candles, or Pretty in Pink with Better off Dead.

Elizabeth Warren does not/did not want to be president.

Jon Stewart offering a milquetoast 'both sides do it' assessment of American politics? Inconceivable!

Boy did we used to complain about Videocracy. Little did we know Great Job Internet was in our futures.

I'm hot and cold on them: I think Disco Rigido is a straight-up masterpiece, Big Electric Metal Bass Face mostly an embarrassing mess, and Engine close to a masterpiece. None of their post-reunion stuff has hit me at all. Their best stuff is absolutely underrated.

+1 Soft Moon

Nice Die Warzau pick.

I'm feeling Close (to the Edit).

Why doesn't The Rock, the largest Sexiest Man Alive, simply eat the other five?

Here's hoping it's a feint so the Republicans don't nuke the filibuster on day one of the new congress.

'they're positing AIDS as a universally threatening prospect on par with nuclear war'

Nah, no credit. It's easy to say now that he's President-elect. It would have taken courage while he was a candidate. If anything acknowledging this now illustrates the cravenness of his character.

He's the new Dick Cheney!

If the administration does lead with privatizing Medicare, which Ryan is threatening to do, we have a good shot at putting Trump on his heels early. (That is unless the press still believes it's unfair to call Ryan's plan 'privatization', which has been their usual stance.)

Looking at the way things turned out tho, I think Hillary beats Kasich. Kasich doesn't turn out the disaffected white vote like Trump did.

Yeah, it's sad that this line of thinking needs to stop, but this line of thinking needs to stop. Americans don't give a shit about competence.

Then it would help if he became a Democrat.

I don't know; 'Chief Strategist' is pretty much a 'put my cousin on the payroll' type of gig. He's almost certainly below Priebus on the org chart.

Any chance Chapelle brought some writers with him? His style did work really well throughout–both the Walking Dead and Jheri's place sketches captured the Chapelle's Show vibe better than anything from that show's 'third season'.

Mark Zuckerberg's not an asshole. He's just trying so hard to be.