The Flyin Hawaiian

Thank the goddess my AVClub account is back!

42 percent. You forgot to include the Johnson voters.

I don't know, with Bayh shitting the bed in IN and NH taking over for MA in the 'New England Democrats Disappoint Again' pageant I'm having a hard time seeing the D's get to 50/50.

Tim Scott.

Hopefully once it's filmed Lifetime actually airs it, otherwise Love's Labour's Lost.

This does seem like a bit of an extravagance, but that said if you're going to hire an actor just for their eyes, you can't do much better than Landecker.

I seriously hope that if he quits filmmaking he decides to write a book about film. He'd probably need a hell of an editor but I could really seem him writing the definitive work on post-1970s cinema or something.

Redtube users? I stand by my assessment.

Kinda, I think the first Throwing Muses and Pixies records are the break between 'Goth 4AD' and 'Admirably Eccentric But Weirdly Bland 4AD'.

Pretty much the last minute of this video confirms your point.

I gotta say, while this poll is unscientific as the Republicans in congress, that a poll whose subjects are overwhelmingly male and losers shows only a six point preference for Trump makes me feel a bit better about Hillary's chances.

Alex Reed is awesome. (Assimilate is wonderful, as are both of his bands.)

I was scoffed by my gothy cohorts when I would argue that Joy Division was goth. (Bauhaus was really Joy Division with Bowie's theatrics.) But at the core what's considered 'goth' is somewhat arbitrary, which is why you see bands like New Model Army sometime labeled goth.

Certainly if there's someone I trust to tell the story of Goth music it's Pitchfork. I can't wait to see how they get the Pixies in there.

I predict slow tempos

IIRC Rubin doesn't care about dynamic range. He's the human embodiment of the Loudness War.

Regardless of the outcome, Comey better show up at the White House on Nov.9 with a resignation letter in hand.

And the girl eventually found Jesus. It has to be the most American album cover ever.

Holy shit TAD. No idea these reissues were coming out. It's about time; the old Sub Pop versions are expensive as hell.

The one with the eyepatch.