The Flyin Hawaiian

His decision to go bald was always perplexing. He had a good head of hair!

I could have written your second paragraph word-for-word, so the answer to your question is 'yes'.

Hey I walked a mile out of my way this morning to claim an unclaimed gym; 15 minutes ago my Pokemon got kicked out. So I'm still playing. For clarification: I am a grown-ass man with a grown-ass job

Did Smash Mouth actually write any songs?

The fact robot malfunctioned again!

She did for a little while before (I think) season four, when all of a sudden the pop culture press decided to turn on 30 Rock. (This includes AV Club, who bemoaned the declining quality of the new season before an episode had even aired). But it mostly passed.

Yeah, but he could play five positions badly. I always kinda like the guy.

I refuse to nuance the economic circumstances and motivations of the people who destroyed the Philadelphia Phillies.

The Phillies have been a much better team than the Cubs since 1945.

Now divide it as 1962-1986, 1987-2001, 2002-2016. Two awesome stretches surrounded by a bad one (albeit one where they still made a World Series) seems pretty normal for an MLB team.


That's a damn lie. If you take away 1918-1948 (years where the Phillies were run into the ground by cheap owners who used them as a tax write off) the franchise has a winning record. The Cubs have consistently sucked.

Hillary doesn't want to lose her weed connect; can't blame her

Yeah I was really unclear: not a Kirk campaign ad, but an internal commercial for MSNBC, where Kirk's in his wheelchair talking about working across the isle. I think it was tone-deaf for MSNBC to run it because it looks like Kirk campaign ad..I mean at least pick a moderate-sounding republican who isn't up for

I still think HW was wrong to intervene in Kuwait, but he had a reasonably limited plan (liberate Kuwait only!) and stuck to it even though a lot of his advisors and most of the American public wanted to invade Iraq. He promised no new taxes but raised them when it was clear he needed to. I'm not saying he was a great

Hopefully now MSNBC will stop running that ad with Mark Kirk that makes him out to be a 'cross the aisle' moderate.

Although his increased engagement with commenters over the past couple of weeks has tested this, I've always seriously thought he's either a troll or running some sort of poli-sci/psych experiment. (Singulatarian is a true believer; I think Drzzt is too.)

NIXON DID NOT CREATE THE EPA. It was created in a bill designed during the Johnson administration and passed Congress unanimously.

NIXON GETS NO CREDIT FOR THE EPA. Signing a bill that passed congress unanimously, a bill designed during the previous administration, does not count as Nixon's accomplishment. (And I think 'bombing the shit out of Cambodia' takes 'ending the Vietnam war' off the table too.)

God help us all, Trump is going to be our next president