The Flyin Hawaiian

This really sounds more like Mark Stewart + Mafia or his solo stuff rather than Pop Group. (Not a bad thing at all)

In 20 years this is going to be remembered (if at all) as a perfect distillation of the 2010s, when we thought that every societal problem could be resolved by one tech billionaire with the disruptive genius to build a killer app.

Seriously, fuck Apple, I'm out. I don't want to use The Cloud for everything!

She was also great on the last couple of seasons of Oz. Jesus himself would work as a librarian in a maximum-security prison.

Top-shelf Mekons cut!

Raw Dog, 'Raw Dog' (one-off Skinny Puppy sideproject)
Crispy Ambulance, 'Brutal (Live Brussels 14.1.1982)'
KMFDM, 'Krank (Komor Kontrol Mix by Sebastian Komor)'
The Shamen, 'Move Any Mountain (Landslide Edit)'
Severed Heads, 'Big Car (Crash Mix)'
Birmingham 6, "A Good Day'
Paul Haig, 'Don't Rush In'
Test Dept., 'Movement I:

I'm not sure what you're getting at.

He dies in 1593. He established his reputation among his fellow writers during his writing career and posthumously.

Speaking as an academic who frequents these parts . . . someone's missing a point and it's not Barsanti

They reran it on UPtv for awhile but it looks like that's over. I'm guessing music rights are the reason Ed's never gotten a proper DVD reissue. Even the few reruns I saw seemed to have some music cues missing. Shame, it's an excellent show, a great model for mixing comedy and drama without turning into navel-gazing

Kelly's contract with Fox is up soon and she's angling for Kelly Ripa's job or something similar. Not surprising that she's toned down the batshit Fox conservatism lately.

OK, it's official now: Yoko's my favorite Beatle.

None of the Henry VI quartos are attributed to anyone on the title-pages, so nobody gets credit until the first folio. This is pretty common in the 1590s (Beaumont & Fletcher are a decade+ later). And by the time these plays are published in print in 1594-5, Shakespeare is almost certainly the more famous author, with

The Driller Killer! Featuring John Vernon in one of his greatest roles.

Jake Cade's pretty cool. But otherwise you're right (except I don't think anyone uses 'problem plays' anymore)

Which one of the two would be Goldman? Neither of them was appreciably more famous than the other at the time.

There's an argument that the aesthetics of drama shift after James I because his literary tastes, such as they were, were different from Elizabeth. Therefore more spectacle, less elaborate wordplay. But of course the drama's developing regardless of who's on the throne; ultimately Elizabethan/Jacobean are more useful

Although that line's in a scene still credited to Shakespeare.

New Oxford Shakespeare still identifies Nashe as author of act one of 1 Henry VI. Shakespeare did 2.4, 4.2, and parts of 4.3-4.5; Marlowe 5.4 and 5.5 and possibly a few other scenes. There may be another yet unidentified collaborator.

Serves him right for not having a cool name like Shackerley Marmion.