The Flyin Hawaiian

Santos wanted to get rid of teacher's unions, and he was squishier on abortion than Vinick. That was truly a 'lesser of two evils' campaign. (Great final season tho.)

I'll put money down on Garland being confirmed during the lame duck session.

I'm Team Ginger! Red hair > doe-eyed farm girl

That or some of the white nationalist movements you see coming to power in countries like Sweden. But even in these cases I would still identify 'fiscally liberal/social conservative' as 'conservative', since in their cases I imagine preserving (as opposed to expanding) the welfare state would be an economic

This series was so great that I'm not going to give you shit for getting rid of the Wire CDs. (You seem appropriately apologetic anyway. And honestly I listen to The Ideal Copy and A Bell Is A Cup Until It Is Struck far more than the first three.)

On one hand, Eight Legged Groove Machine is something of an overlooked record: rock music that wanted to be dance music, slightly ahead of the Madchester thing. (See also, Jesus Jones, Liquidizer.) On the other hand, I got a copy at a library sale and listed to it for the first time in decades, and while a few tracks

Yes. And this would be a decent time to sell; I think scarcity has returned to the used CD marketplace and prices are starting to go up.

X Marks the Pedwalk: most underappreciated industrial band of the 1990s. Meshwork is a perfect record.

I've never been a big fan–I never disliked them, they just seem to be to have always been in the background of the stuff I actually listen to. So I got that deluxe Painful reissue from 2014 to see if that would put me on the road to YLT fandom (and I read Big Day Coming, an excellent book about the history of the

And the recent history of the Reform Party shows us how well third parties that reach a viability threshold fare

The Senate is a more powerful office than the presidency, at least in terms of deciding how legislation gets crafted.


The issue is that Jill Stein has absolutely no conception of how the Federal Reserve works, which is an immediate disqualifier for a presidential candidate (see also: Trump).

In the interest of balance: Jill Stein is also an idiot.

Nope, if we had a third party people would complain that we needed a fourth. (And a 'moderate' party is not something that would happen in the US*; any party would be either to the left or right of what we have now.) Two is plenty.

It won't work. Republican states aren't playing ball, and it would be easy for states to dismiss a 'compact' that doesn't have the force of law if it benefits their interests.

Nader was a necessary but not sufficient cause of George W. Bush winning the presidency in 2000. You can blame other factors as well, but they don't get Nader off the hook. In addition, there's a solid argument that can be made that Nader also cost Gore NH.

A president Trump would have 1) (a certainty if Trump wins), 2), and 3), PLUS (missing from your narrative) there's currently an open seat that will tip the ideological balance of the court. (And to argue that the court is politically neutral and unaffected by politics is naive and downright Sorkin-esque.)

And far from unprecedented, or even recent. Google 'Graeme Frost'.

I got polled yesterday! Pretty sure it was an internal RNC or RNCC poll designed in part to test language for ads in the VA-5 congressional race. AMA