The Flyin Hawaiian

'Lemonade, man! Read the sign!'

Yeah, as I say elsewhere in this thread I'm always worried about Democratic voter turnout, and if Hillary does lose I'll bet the house that this is the reason. I think the polls make it clear that she's the candidate preferred by a majority of the electorate this year. (I put less stock in the percentage chance of

I don't think so, but Hillary's relative unpopularity remains a wild card (although I suspect the debates and some great surrogate work by the Obamas might turn this around a bit). Also I'd argue that consistently poor Democratic turnout in midterm elections demonstrates that Democrats are not strongly motivated to

She had a pretty good run in early-90s 'erotic thrillers'. I would guess that accounts for most of her popularity these days.

However, my fear is that is if the presidential race starts looking like a blowout a lot of Democrats might stay home or vote third party.

Doubtful. Even the Senate's looking like a bit of a reach now. I think there will be more ticket-splitting than usual this election, which a lot of moderate Republicans not voting for Trump but voting R for downballot candidates.

True, but the other way to look at that is that Hillary's firewall was so strong that Trump was always at a disadvantage, having to win all of the close states where she only needed a couple. Even after the worst two weeks of her campaign the best Trump could do was pull into a tie; I don't think any of the poll

Einstein On the Beach is my thinking/writing music. (Occasionally the Reznor/Ross The Social Network soundtrack to mix things up a bit).

'Jan Hammer's epic Crockett's Theme from Miami Vice is something I only listen to when either I just want to cruise in my car or when I'm psyching myself up before an event.'

I've never heard this song, I never will, but still this may be the best Hatesong ever.

Dixie needs to get Team 3D back to put Corgan through a table.

Aw, sonofabitch

Honesty, I think The Apprentice salvaged his reputation, for awhile at least. It was a popular show that gave him a space where his self-fashioning as the greatest deal-maker alive had to go unchallenged, and eventually it sent a lot of his 80s tackiness and his 90s business failures down the memory hole (until he ran

I limit my iTunes playlists to 80 minutes. It's actually fun whittling down a great playlist idea to the essentials, and it reminds me why I got into music in the first place.

My local-ish indie CD place still prices most of their CDs in the $10-12 range, but I see the price of some major-label releases starting to creep into the $15-16 range; the new Green Day apparently lists at $18.98. One of the good things of the post-napster age was that CDs became incredibly cheap (indeed most

I still buy CDs, but some of the labels I like are only releasing music on vinyl, *maybe* with an mp3 download. (Dark Entries Records: press some goddamn CDs already or start doing download cards!)

And the Germans DO love David Hasselhoff. Norm speaks truth.

*glass shatters*

'“Confessional comedy is the worst kind of comedy I’ve come across,” he recently told Vulture, dismissing (if not specifically naming) the wave of stand-ups and Louie-derived shows that “forget about being comedies” and instead mine humor from humiliation and pain. '

Like I said three movies and absolutely nothing else