The Flyin Hawaiian

Hopefully this will be the album where Gahan stops thinking he's an American bluesman and Gore remembers how to write something uptempo


Until proven otherwise I will continue to believe that jasoomian is a comedian or psychologist testing the boundaries of Poe's law.

The networks seemed to be pushing that 'good for Trump' line immediately after, yes. But the Democrats had some pretty good surrogates—in particular James Carville on MSNBC reminded us why he used to be considered the worlds greatest political operative—and they did a good job pushing back. Media this morning seems to

Then stop stealing their bit.

I think that was the only part he wrote, so it doesn't mesh with the rest, which comes from the same template as every other Bernie Baby/Bro who's stopped by over the last six months.


The (mild) defense of Michaels is that when he had Trump host nobody expected he'd be a viable candidate. It was a bad decision at the time (and I doubt SNL repeats it again if, say, Adam Carolla decides to run in 2020) but I don't think too many people expected it to look this badly in hindsight. (Also, I expect it

Jesus Christ man, there's no dumber response than dismissing an assertion by labeling it 'hipster'. Be constructive and tell me why I'm wrong, or keep it to yourself.

Also, pay attention to ballot questions. The VA ballot included a question that would have added "right-to-work" to the state constitution. The question was worded unclearly and it took some research to figure out I should oppose it. You can't do research if you're voting in the ballot box (another reason vote-by-mail

I voted absentee (Virginia ballot) for Clinton this week. My work here is done.

Indeed, should the transcripts end up hurting Hillary enough that she loses the election (unlikely, but this is a messed-up cycle and you can't take anything off the table) her biggest mistake will have been not releasing them during the primaries. Even now it seems like a minor tactical error; the only people really

Re: your second paragraph, I wouldn't even grant McCain that much. He only became a good guy in Congress to get the Keating Five stink off of him. War hero or not McCain's always been an odious politician.

FWIW, I think the major networks are taking it easy on the recent Clinton hack because of the now-official claim that Russia's leaking stuff to influence the election.* I agree that Russia should be a bigger deal in this election, but at least American media recognizes this and is warier about dealing with leaks.

If it does turn red this year it will in 2020. Demographics are working against the Democrats there.

I'd say better than most people think, but only if Pence goes along. He's in good shape for 2020; spending a month as a battlefield-promotion candidate anchored to Trump won't help him. However, Pence is dumb as shit (ht: Matthew Yglesias) so he might be willing to go along. I wouldn't bet on it, but I wouldn't be

And from samples used in industrial music.

Nietzsche sure took his time. This has become the Chinese Democracy of philosophy texts

'Median age was 47 years old, which is a whole decade above Game of Thrones and a good 5 years above True Detective.'

In fairness (and I feel dirty for saying this) Drizzt isn't entirely wrong. Too many people on the left saw Assange as an anti-Bush ally rather than an insane libertarian anti-American crackpot, which gave Wikileaks credibility it didn't deserve. (See also Greenwald; Snowden, although both are notably less