The Flyin Hawaiian

It's a strategy that's worked well for Trump this campaign (see: Clinton Foundation).

Absolutely, but there will always be angry 16-year-olds who will think the lyrics speak to them.

'Sarah Cracknell, Lawrence’s 19-year-old girlfriend who would later become the lead singer of Saint Etienne.'


Also, the 'Jar Jar Binks is C-3PO' thing that Plinkett makes fun of comes from that article.

It's worth noting that the new Plinkett vid has an extended critique of revisionist defenses of the prequel trilogy that specifically makes fun of AV Club's own Jesse Hassenger's equating C-3PO with Jar Jar Binks.

In fairness, Turner has a good reputation for working with quarterbacks. So he should be a quarterbacks coach, not a head coach. Too bad the NFL is pretty much the textbook example of the Peter Principle.

I think the part about not voting third party might actually do some good. Using antedata I can argue that there is a bit of overlap between serious Star Trek fans and people trying to decide between voting third party/not voting or Clinton.

I wouldn't say Star Wars disappeared up its own ass. I mean, there are only three Star Wars movies made between 1977 and 1983 and absolutely nothing else

Higher Learning is completely off the rails but now interesting from a historical perspective about how Hollywood, and a lot of popular media, perceived Generation X at the time.

I learned about gentrification from Boyz In The Hood. That's not nothing.

James Woods says, 'Not enough cocaine related projects'

I caught Jade Scorpion recently and was surprised that I liked it. It felt a bit like Broadway Danny Rose, for whatever reason. I think with lowered expectations his late-90s/early 00s comedies might play better. (I've always thought that Small Time Crooks is half a good film, for one…)

I'm on board with this, and I'm not even sure I'm going to watch this.

For underrated Allen, ESILY is my pick too. Used to be Stardust Memories but that seems to be fairly well-regarded these days.

Please, I went to college in the 90s. Trust me: even if I'm not a fan of their later work I've heard all of it

Disagree if you want, but I stopped following the Pixies in 1990 with Bossanova because there wasn't enough Deal, and compared to The Breeders' Pod it was clear to me where the talent in the Pixies was going. In 1990! I'm too old to hipster backlash to anything!

Reeves Gabrels on guitar.

Dave Marsh became his personal indentured servant.

I'll be fair to Modern Liberals of the Millennial Persuasion and say that this kind of criticism has always been leveled young people (I was in college at the height of 90s 'PC culture' and heard the same things about Gen X), the criticism always exaggerates, and most MLMP types grow out of being leftist doofuses.