The Flyin Hawaiian

It's well off its peak but the cast is aces, and they deserve all the awards.

Thanks for this. I'm a bit bored with current bands chasing a 'post-punk' sound but you make this sound pretty interesting.

The Studio 60 pilot is straight-up great. Which is why its subsequent crappiness hurts so much.

Arguably, though, all of these shows seem primarily rooted in a nostalgia for a rock music industry/lifestyle that hasn't been viable since the mid-80s. That's one of the reasons these shows went right down the toilet.

It's just as easily to look at Afghanistan, Iraq, and New Orleans to see the effects of Nader's candidacy today

It's worth noting that the line between PUMAs and conservatives was very thin in 2008. A lot of PUMAs were anti-Obama, not pro-Hillary, and their ranks among Democrats were severely over-rated. I think that even the suggestion that birtherism was started by (or circulated because of) 'racist democrats' is, at best,

Yeah man you can't be contained by THE PARTY LINE! I bet you drive 60mph in a 55 zone because nobody owns your mind. Don't believe anyone who tells you that your nonpartisan independent pose is just as predictable and practiced as any hardline left- or right-winger, because you are an INTELLECTUAL REBEL

Such convincing liberalism

Well I'm convinced now

dude i admit i cant handle this hot political fire youre bringing, which in no way mindlessly repeats every anti-hillary argument found on reddit since 2014 and conveys no evidence of independent political analysis

Alien Sex Fiend did it best.

Yes, no evidence of panty-bunching here

dude you are so goddamn edgy

The Republicans were always going to come home, and the election was always going to be close.

I believe that you're liberal.

Yes, all of your replies here certainly confirm that your panties are not in a bunch

'Jimmy Fallon as host of the Tonight Show does wield influence in shaping public opinion.'


Right, but is the drone elite?

Any Given Sunday. Excellent use of Pacino in his 'whoo-HA!' phase before it got tired; great use of Cameron Diaz playing against type; dealt with concussion/injury issues in the NFL during a period when nobody really cared.