The Flyin Hawaiian

It would help if Parker stopped doing any press for this at all, and maybe took his name off the film. The movie's content seems potentially significant enough that it would be worth considering on its own terms, but at the moment it's really difficult to do this. (Moreso since apparently a rape–an addition to the

Another embodiment of 'no small parts just small actors', her bit part in Wedding Singer is one of the best things about it. RIP

Someone looked in the mirror one morning and thought to himself, 'You know who's a handsome man? That Rick Rubin.'

That's a little much. That Parker was acquitted is a fact, one probably necessary for clarification in a news item. It's stated without any prejudice about whether or not he's guilty. I don't think you can find any real instances of AV Club 'dismiss[ing] the allegation' against him.

The Birth of a Nation 2: AfterBirth

Yeah is that ever going to get fixed or are those of us who don't want to use Disqus shit out of luck?

He made Blackhat last year, my pick (so far) for the most under-appreciated film of the decade.

IIRC when Pacino's going to the club to meet Tone Loc, the bouncer at the door is supposed to be this dealer.

I imagine that's what she was going for, at least in a few places, but, at least in the scene Mann trimmed, she sounds more like someone who's never been stoned or met anyone stoned trying to act stoned.

Ilan Mitchell-Smith is busy teaching Medieval literature at Cal State-Long Beach. (No joke.)

Watching that after having seen Heat about 50 times, it had an uncanny valley effect on me. (Though very good for a NBC movie of the week.)

I didn't like it when I first saw it in the theaters. Too many characters, too wobbly, and (despite this scene) too understated. But after seeing The Insider–the film where Mann became pretty much my favorite director–somehow it made more sense as something of a long visual tone poem about a thief and a cop. Now it's

On the other hand, chopping out some of Diane Venora's unusually wooden line deliveries was a good call.

Yeah, maybe I didn't follow this closely enough but my impression was that she was pretty clearly innocent of murder (and indeed that there's another far more likely suspect) and she was pretty much railroaded by the Italian courts. Is this wrong? Is there really a debate here?

I wish Apple had the courage to bring back the iPod Classic.

Absolute Body Control, 'Is There An Exit?'
Cold Showers, 'New Dawn'
Swans, 'People Like Us'
The Smiths, 'Hand In Glove'
Cocteau Twins, 'Frosty the Snowman'
Inspiral Carpets, 'She Comes in the Fall'
Virgin Prunes, 'Pagan Lovesong'
Red Flag, 'Broken Heart'
Joined At the Head, 'Raid'
Skinny Puppy, 'Social Deception'
Book of Love,

It also has her up only by two in MI. If she were really ahead in TX she'd be crushing MI. The poll's probably junk, sadly.

Of course, The Clinton Rules! But in this particular case I think the 'clouds' and 'questions' about Hillary's health are what made it clear that nothing was going to change this cycle.

I get the economics of it (although there are so many places that cover food these days that I'm not sure it would help AVC much). But it's not so much that TV Club coverage has dried up; it's that everything has kind of dried up except for the GJI things. Adding substantial food coverage to AVC has the feeling of,

HER STAFF VETTED HER EMAIL, PEOPLE!!!! How can we let this stand in a modern democracy???