The Flyin Hawaiian

When future scholars dissect campaign coverage of the 2016 election, the moment when right-wing conspiracy theorists successfully trolled print and news media into taking seriously the possibility that Hillary was hiding something about her health is going to be used as Exhibit A for the argument that such media

The Internet economy sucks.

The past couple of weeks the media's campaign coverage has been giving me strong 2000/2004 flashbacks. Things are not well.

'Let no one say the media is TOTALLY worthless. '

Were you in the shit?

'I mean, would kids want “Danke Schöen” and “Oh Yeah” on the same record?'

The way 2016's going certainly at least one of the dudes from Yello will perish this year. The tags will accompany O'Neal's thoughtful tribute to Boris Blank and/or Dieter Meier.

Even granting everything you say, I think the issue here is that you're not acknowledging how her advantages create the conditions for 'she did the work'. Loads of artists do the work but don't get a shot at pitching a tv show because they're not connected in NYC. Of course her movie and HBO show weren't handed to

Yes! Once the Senate is down to Elizabeth Warren, Sherrod Brown, Al Franken, Bernie Sanders, and 96 conservative Republicans THEN THE REVOLUTION WILL COME

'fake liberals who are really just unprincipled Democratic Party loyalists'

Yeah, upon reflection I'll grant this, especially with Hill and Harris, and I'll bet Chris Pratt will have a similar arc. (I don't think Eisenberg ever had a BFF phase; Franco's been an asshole so long I don't remember if he did or not.) I suspect, entertainment being what it is, men will prove to be able to recover

Yeah, your faith in the meritocracy of the film and tv industry is touching. Also, you seem to be conflating 'privilege' with 'nepotism', thus narrowing the concept. AND you're using the 'green light' as evidence for the industry's meritocracy when getting in the production company's door is the challenge for


To me it seems that Hathaway went through a '1. BFF/ 2. she's overexposed/ 3. she's horrible and fake and we never liked her' cycle that's pretty distressing. Jennifer Lawrence seems to be about to enter stage 3; Schumer's in the middle of 2, but this article may shoot her into 3. It does seem to be a cycle that

Privilege makes it a lot easier to have the time, money, and energy to develop those scripts. Not to mention the access to have HBO open a door for you.

She hasn't been AV Club's golden child since Todd left.

If seated next to Odell Beckham Jr my thought would be 'Isn't that the guy who blew off his hand? Is it too obvious I'm trying to look?'

I mean, people were hoping that Girls was going to be
a critique of the self-absorption of privileged white people, but it
was pretty clear about four episodes in that, if anything, it was closer
to a celebration of that self-absorption.

If Hillary wins I'm 70% sure Grassley will bring up Garland's nomination and he'll be approved.

In fairness, you don't need to be a 9/11 Truther to find jasoomian's summary accurate. (Indeed the worst legacy of the 9/11 truther movement is that it essentially killed off any opportunity to seriously look at the causes of 9/11. Thanks to them now it's too easy to conflate 'Bush ignored warning signs' with 'Bush