The Flyin Hawaiian

While we're at it, I confess, I'm a member of Massive Attack. I'm angry that none of you appreciate our Mad Professor collaboration.

Absolutely. I'm always perplexed at how much respect John Hughes got for his teen movies because nothing he did comes close to Sure Thing or the collected early works of Savage Steve Holland.

I think the issue *is* that they characterize the stand as neutral. Doing so seems to imply that down voting people you don't agree with is always akin to the lunkheads downvoting pleas for civility. In other words, the article doesn't grant space for downvotes to be useful.

Yeah, it's actually kind of cool? Two guys who feuded and hadn't seen one another in 20 years, but they pretty much slip back into a routine? If there's any awkwardness it's them trying to figure out what to do while the applause keeps going.

If you were the asshole who wrote Macarana you'd be sleeping on a big pile of money surrounded by beautiful ladies, under an assumed name.

Did you buy it through the university bookstore? If so you should be able to return it within a certain window.

Same here. Hopefully just a bug and not the end of AV Club-only accounts.

Reverse mortgages.

LRP is one I sort of lost until the reissue came out a few years back, but yeah for me it's either that or Fables as favorite. But honestly I think everything up to Automatic is brilliant.

The shocking thing about 'The Supremes' episode is that was after Aaron Sorkin left West Wing. I can see him watching it, thinking 'I wish I'd thought of that', and then writing all of The Newsroom.

He's been gone so long; who remembers how to spell the man's name?

That's such a good idea that NBC would never consider doing it.

I rewatched the final seasons recently…if I were in the West Wing universe, as a Democrat I would not be excited about a Matt Santos presidency.

I'd have a similar story but 1986 with 'Fall On Me' and Life's Rich Pageant.

It certainly had a moment because college radio jumped on Depeche Mode's 'Deaths Door'*, U2's titular song (also on Achtung Baby, huge at the time), and the R.E.M. song. [ETA: also, the last-ever Talking Heads song; I think they broke up around the time this came out.] But it hasn't had the lasting impact of, say, The

It's actually a useful term for describing a rock band that maintains what are often considered that foundation tropes of rock music. The problem is that it is often used as a pejorative term rather than simply descriptive.

Even more so now that Merge did those brilliant Sugar reissues a few years back.

Every used CD store in America is required to have, in addition to Monster:

Last weekend I was at one of the Hastings stores that's closing (if you still buy CDs, goldmine!) and they literally had two racks of Monster CDs. This is why you're going out of business, I thought.

The only Ramones CD anyone ever needs is a greatest hits CD. I only have Mania and the 'Pet Cemetery' 12" and I've never felt the need to upgrade. The Ramones are boring and overrated. Fight me, Ramones fans.