The Flyin Hawaiian

So what you're saying is that you watch Fox News? Makes sense; now I know where you get your Hillary info from, cool.

Well, Nader 2000 pretty much proved that third-party candidates are a detriment to progressive causes. Also, America's most batshit governor Paul LePage was elected because a third party split the vote. So I think Democrats are correct to be hostile to third-party voters who consider themselves leftist.

Nobody with a Jill Stein avatar has any standing to call anybody else 'delusional'.

I think both realize that there aren't enough old white men left to grift, so they have to start looking for grift opportunities with other groups.

It's kind of difficult to tell what's at stake in this article because the author snarks at the expense of clarity, but it seems to be the real story here is a poorly-designed venue tax rather than a bureaucrat trying to decide what constitutes fine art

Late 80s Nettwerk was awesome…Puppy, Moev, Grapes of Wrath, Bel Canto + non-Canadians like Severed Heads, SPK, Manufacture. It's too bad Sarah McLaughlan broke big and they decided to become an Adult Contemporary label.

Grapes of Wrath did OK on American college radio in the late 80s. 'Misunderstanding' is a brilliant song.

Hello there, Birdsboro, PA!

They're the songs where Bruce gets weepy and everyone in the audience holds up lighters before he launches into the dictionary's illustration of 'bombastic', 'Glory Days'.

If the best one can say about the Bradley effect is 'there's no proof it exists but it would make sense that it did' it's fairly safe to ignore as a factor in an election.

Counterpoint: every note of Born In the USA

In fairness, 'Nova Heart' is a brilliant song and Jersey kids would have been better off listening to it.

I say this completely without irony and will defend it to the death: Men Without Hats are a great band. Catchy hooks + wry, clever, ironic lyrics; they're the Canadian Pet Shop Boys.

The Chills
Tall Dwarves

Key was rocking a hockey jersey onstage when I saw Puppy a few years back. I thought there could be nothing more Canadian (although Key and Orge live in L.A. now, I think.

Skinny Puppy, Front Line Assembly, Numb, Moev, Decoded Feedback, Psyche, Digital Poodle…Canada's not the world's largest exporter of industrial music but they are the best exporter of industrial music

Pull up a chair, kids, and I'll tell you about a time when Headline News was a useful news source

The market for [insert profession here] is better than the market for JDs now.

Unfortunately, it's only a matter of time before Dr. Jill Stein gets a syndicated show

There's no such thing as a Bradley effect, not even in the titular Bradley campaign. People always pull some version of this out (see: Obama 2008/12) but there's no evidence of it being a factor in an election.