The Flyin Hawaiian

There is potential for this election to provide us a Crazification-Type number for a national election.

That third question is the sort of thing that makes me think Jasoomian is trying to do some high-concept satire, testing the boundaries of Poe's Law.

goddamn when did d'onofrio turn into late-period brando?

Whether the polls are online, telephone, telegraph etc, Hillary's ahead. I don't think this validates Bashful Trumpkins (which is bullshit in part because that theory easily applies to Hillary as well), it just points to the imprecision in methodologies. But, as people who followed polls in 2004 learned, if the polls

I demand the Abortionplexes that Obama promised!

Pence might unite Republicans but he'd be a horrible presidential candidate, far to the right of where the country is and without the personality to sell it, or accomplishments to point to. There's a reason he didn't throw his hat in the presidential ring this year.

No, he doesn't: at this point I think Singulatarian is just doubling down on hating Hillary now that Stein's become a walking punchline who's barely polling. It's sad [ETA: Sad!] but unsurprising how easily he buys into rightwing framing of Hillary.

Randall Cunningham did that once or twice with the Eagles as well. But yeah high school football coaches are a particular blend of strongheaded and dumb.

More importantly, she's forcing the media to finally talk about Trump's connection to the alt-right. Kevin Drum wrote a nice bit on this angle:

There would have been opposition to Obama regardless, but the particular organized iteration that formed was initially in response to mortgage relief (see: Rick Santelli's rant). More people were angry at the thought of their neighbors getting a bailout than they were at the banks. Which goes to show that when

'will consist of the top 10 episodes as selected by the public in a bracket-style competition on social media'

Yes, even while made while said politician is in office.

Remember, even some early, vague proposals to offer relief for underwater mortgages were what inspired the Tea Party. Saying 'Democrats had a majority they could have stuck it to the banks' is completely unrealistic (but that said, Dodd/Frank ain't nothing.)

Fortunately, Keyes entering this Senate race helped us precisely measure the Crazification Factor:

Medicare-for-all (to some degree; I forget the details) was actually on the table until Joe Lieberman pretty much single-handedly killed it fairly late in the bill's writing.

That only happens on House of Cards. Obama would get horrible press for trying to 'bribe' or 'threaten' congressmen (Google 'cornhusker kickback' as an example of how a deal the administration did make to keep Ben Nelson(?) on board was covered). Not to mention that if Obama
actually had to follow through with this

Single payer and tax reform were never going to happen with the Senate Obama had in 2009-10. The Democrats had a majority, but when your 60th vote in the Senate is Joe Lieberman or Blanche Lincoln or Mark Pryor or Mary Landrieu there are limits to how progressive legislation would be.

But being caught in the moment says something valuable about the moment. There's a lot to be said for an immediate perspective on people and events.

The bully pulpit is overrated and LBJ's strongarming is more myth than fact.

'His foreign policy leaves a lot to be desired though'