The Flyin Hawaiian

I'm not sure. I think having Stone be the True Detective who realizes Naz couldn't have done it and looks into alternative suspects is something that sounds closer to Law & Order. He is nagged by Naz seeming an unlikely killer, but with so much the clear evidence against him. I haven't picked up on him as obsessed by

Nobody needed to look into who owned the house; the physical and circumstantial evidence against Naz was overwhelming. The show's emphasizing how many corners are cut in the judicial system; this is a big one. I think, with this episode, we're supposed to ask that question in exasperation rather than understand it as

At least it's used correctly here. It seems to me people usually use it to mean 'cliche'.

It's astonishing that conservatives are finally reading what Eric Alterman was writing in 2002.

Howard Dean won the Democratic nomination in 2004 in a walk

The faith in lawn signs was doubly amusing because the Obama campaign didn't hand out lawn signs as a matter of course. (They knew lawn signs did absolutely nothing to get votes, and they cost money.) So of course you were going to see more Romney signs!

That's a great writeup on Nebraska and the death penalty. It's unfortunate that DP still has potential as a wedge issue; it looked like we were making progress on abolishing it a few years ago.

However…I know the Fishers had a hearse on Six Feet Under, but did we ever see one of them driving it for a funeral? (I know Claire uses one for transportation.) Offhand I can only ever remember them at the funeral home, never at a church/graveyard.

Yes! And I'm starting an Oz rewatch this week because of it. Miss that show.

I don't think that's what he's getting at. Airing the film is irresponsible–it's a bad-faith assault on vaccination science–and Tribeca doing so is a tacit endorsement of the film, if not its contents. It's not a matter of 'two sides' or 'letting people make up their own minds'. As The Wire sayeth, 'a lie ain't a side

Also, a large part of the reason why we can't sustain a democratic majority in congress

Everybody sing, 'Ramo!'

Melle Mel in 'Step Off': 'Like Shakespeare, I'm a pioneer, because I made rap something people wanted to hear'.

Yes. I always took this to mean inheritance, but really it's just a useful hand wave.

That's not canon!


This is a really broad statement but something I've been thinking about recently:

True but Ulysses is a big book that makes an excellent weapon against attackers.

Really? Then I need to buy a peanut butter cup RIGHT DAMN NOW

The sport that Bob Costas memorably described as 'like seeing who could whisper the loudest' (paraphrased)