The Flyin Hawaiian

She was the mistress who wouldn't do the damn dishes.

1996…my favorite pop culture memory of the year was taking a bus to NYC to see Foetus and Lydia Lunch play in some dive under the Brooklyn Bridge. (The performance came out on CD a few years later as York.) Jim Thirlwell signed my copy of Karl Marx's Capital.

Yeah, track and field will be the big test. They better not mess it up; it's the best part of the Olympics. Their coverage of the Olympic track & field qualifiers was pretty good so I'm slightly optimistic.

Since I've been lazing around the house this week I've watched a lot of Olympic coverage, and my impressions are

Welcome back, my friends, to the show that never ends

Dude you're becoming unhinged; reel it in.

Ultra is really good but could have used more punch. And absolutely Manson would be a great vocalist for post-SOFAD songs, perhaps even better than post-singing lessons Dave Gahan.

Right, because a President is the exact same thing as a 'presidential candidate' going to Russia of her own volition to meet with an oligarch who may be trying to influence the presidential election.

At the very least it's more ambitious than most Shakespeare film adaptations. I've never been a fan but I appreciate it, if that makes any sense

I'm now imagining an alternate history where Butch Vig produced Depeche Mode's Ultra in 1996. I think that would have worked!

Yngwie Malmsteen SHREDS

Right, because an Ambassador is the exact same thing as a 'presidential candidate' going to Russia of her own volition to meet with an oligarch who may be trying to influence the presidential election. You're smart!

It's the James Carville 'Alabama in the middle' thing, I think. Also people (including Trump this cycle) see its manufacturing/mining industries and think it should be politically closer to WV or Kentucky. But that overlooks that PA has historically been one of the most pro-union states in America (Molly Maguires,

Considering that it remains plausible it was done as part of (or spun as part of so as not to disrupt) a Heisman campaign, possibly with the explicit or tacit support of the University, and that major media outlets certainly failed to or refused to look into this easily verifiable story, I wouldn't say it's

How does he keep up with the news like that?

A plea to my fellow democrats: please don't freak out this year too much when the polls tighten, which they will. If you're worried about the election, volunteer to do some phone-banking or donate money or something.

That is a great article, and essential reading for anyone who posts in this thread. It also addresses one of my hobbyhorses: that getting rid of earmarks has been responsible for a lot of contemporary political dysfunction.

Jill Stein, who went to Russia to denounce the United States and had dinner with Putin? It's inconceivable that she's a Russian dupe!

I agree with all of this. Let's elect more Democrats!

I absolutely think that's more to the story that's gone unexplored because ESPN, Notre Dame, and all sports media except Deadspin bought the 'catfish' explanation. I would not be surprised to find out that T'eo was in on it (even if not initially), and/or that Notre Dame knew before Deadspin broke the story.