The Flyin Hawaiian

Hader would make an amazing George Plimpton.

That story's not true, probably. It appears to have been a joke cooked up to discredit Soren (and MTV) by oldsters who couldn't believe young people had the audacity to report on a presidential campaign:

But what could the Democratic congress have done that they didn't do, specifically? It is a fair debate whether they should have prioritized cap and trade over health care, but IIRC the thinking was cap and trade could have been done with bipartisan support so it could wait. Of course McConnell's 'party of no'

Surprisingly, this study also found that CD buyers are goddamn sexual tyrannosauruses.

To be fair no goths look like Brandon Lee either.

I'd complain about the subtly sponsored content here, but Tabitha Soren! She's alright.

Of course I know who Frank Zappa is; I just wouldn't use him as a shorthand for the AV Club commentariat's listening preferences.

When they had a majority in Congress the House did pass a cap and trade bill. It's not much but it was a start, and even that couldn't get through a Senate filibuster. Had they kept their majority past 2010 more would have happened.

Frank Zappa?

I don't think the issue is with the Democrat's desire to help the environment but the limits to what they can do when the majority party in congress refuses to acknowledge the need for any kind of environmental legislations. The way to improve this would be to elect more Democrats.

Heckofa job, Ryan Murphy!

NBC seems to have dialed back the sappy athlete profiles this year. Aside from the opening ceremony I'm OK with their coverage so far.

1) if Ted Kennedy would have had a better answer for 'Why do you want to be president?', does Reagan get elected?

You might want to look into this thing called 'the Democratic Party'

You would be able to live with Johnson until he put us back on the Gold Standard and ushered in the Greatest Depression. He may talk a good game but he's Ron Paul in a better outfit.

I know resources are scarse and I wouldn't recommend the DNC/DCCC to sink a lot of money in the state, but Kansas could have been a sleeper this year. You know how everyone on TV is keeps saying that this is an election where people really want 'change'? It's actually true in Kansas. People are sick of Brownback, and

Actually I think it was first on whatever record had his 'a home is a place to keep your stuff' routine, which was before 1996.

Everyone was expecting a third man to join the Outsiders. Hulk Hogan, also a former WWF star, comes down the aisle. It would be stupid *not* to suspect Hogan was the third man. Heenan nailed this call; anyone who says otherwise is an idiot.

Any discussions about why SNL never seemed to find an angle on Obama must begin with this indisputable point.

Nobody had trouble mistrusting politicians before Jon Stewart. But Stewart too often tipped over into 'those Washington clowns can't do anything right' territory' and that kind of roots-and-all cynicism isn't helpful.