The Flyin Hawaiian

I know, Americans are so lame

Honesty I thought Reigns gave a great heel promo/performance. Are we sure he's supposed to be the babyface? At the very least he's turning, right?

In fairness (and acknowledging it was a stupid thing for SNL to do), Trump hosted when nobody thought he'd be a serious contender for president.

That sounds very plausible.

I think Moynihan picked up the 'utility player' role from Killam and ended up having a good season.

More like Saturday Night Had Another Off Season So They're Finally Making Some Overdue Cast Changes, right?

Kazurinsky was quietly one of the best SNL performers. Always overshadowed during his tenure by Murphy and Piscopo, but a solid utility player.

Killam seemed to disappear last year, which was odd because it seemed like he'd been poised to be a breakout player in his first few years. I wonder if there are backstage issues. [ETA: I'm signing off on VJ_Ostrowski's theory above that the decision to let Darrell Hammond play Trump had something to do with Killam

Amazing username/comment synergy

I read this earlier and I was kind of surprised that it was a very good list and writeup. I'm putting it together as a playlist now.

That sounds familiar. Although at least one of them (Dot, according to The Internet [ETA and the article above, duh]) still makes music and will show up for Shaggs-related stuff.

I know there are a couple of Zappa fans here, so can anyone provide the citation for where Zappa called the Shaggs 'better than the Beatles'? I went looking for it (I wanted the context), but I can't find an original citation, even in academic publications. Some sources say Zappa 'reportedly' said this, and there are

Agreed, although navigating the line between the two is tricky.

Light In the Attic deserves a lifetime of kudos for their Lewis reissues. More reissue labels need to take chances on odd, forgotten stuff.

It is. From an 'outsider art' perspective it's potentially interesting, but I've always found the cult following surrounding this record a bit distasteful.

One explanation I've heard is that electronic acts don't really 'break up' because you can literally make electronic music anywhere with a laptop, and therefore it's easy to keep recording even if it's not your main job. In other words, electronic acts don't go away long enough to get a retro re-evaluation.

You can tell when someone's on the way out when the unflattering blind items become closer to 'slightly blurry'.

I've had enough of your LCC bashing, Cerusse!

I'd gladly pay $5 a month for AVClub to stop all 'somebody mashed up a currently popular thing with an older one' posts.

(spray-paints the walls)