The Flyin Hawaiian

This, BTW, is what the John Oliver show should be. We don't need another weekly* recap of stupid shit Trump did (and for 'equivalence' mildly annoying things Hillary did placed in the worst possible context to sound like stupid shit.) There are plenty of problems that won't end with the presidential election, and it's


One bright spot in 1996 music (carrying on from 1995) was electronic/industrial music. While mainstream alternative understood 'industrial' as crappy guitar bands like Marilyn Manson and Gravity Kills, a lot of electronic acts began to shake off Nine Inch Nails' influence and instead started to draw from EBM and

Of course you're not going to buy my argument…although I'd say I'm not making one; I'm just laying out the facts that Jill Stein went to Russia to criticize the United States and that there's no evidence she finds Putin antithetical to progressivism. And her trip is different than a world leader, say, talking with

'Where things get complicated is in parsing out whether or not the show is critiquing Gamby and Russell’s stubbornness and entitlement, or whether it’s actively suggesting we cheer for Brown’s downfall.'

She only went to Moscow, had dinner with Putin (who may very well be trying to influence the results of an American presidential election), and while there criticized the United States and said nothing about Russia's human right abuses. Who can say whether or not she supports Putin? *shrug*

Cafe Society would have worked better as a short series. The film tried to cram together three love stories, a family drama, a Hollywood story, a mob story, and a Crimes and Misdemeanors-like morality play, and it ended up being a confused mess. As a six-episode series it would have been great.

So then it's OK to support the murder of foreigners so long as Putin, who the Stein campaign endorses, does the killings? And you have no problem with Stein seeking Putin's support? I'd like to get you on the record here.

Congrats, you just yada-yada-yada'd human rights abuses in China!

No, from what I can see the only people who seem to think Russians are still 'The Commies' are Trump and Stein supporters trying to justify their candidate's embrace of the oligarch kleptocrat Putin. Funny, that!

Those are stereotypes people have about academics, yes! But they're just as imaginary as believing that Putin-supporting homeopath anti-vaxxer Jill Stein is a true progressive.

So what you're saying is that International Relations are complicated and sometimes the United States has to overlook policies we find abhorrent in order to maintain stability and hopefully push toward progressive goals? Funny how you never grant Hillary the benefit of this logic!

You do know Russia's no longer run by Communists, right?

It was surprisingly good. Sarah Paulson's performance as Marcia Clark by itself makes it worth watching. (I think its take on Clark was one area where People Vs OJ was better than the ESPN doc, FWIW.)

Indeed, Putin's going to destabilize lots of third world countries, with the unconditional support of homeopath and anti-vaxxer Jill Stein:

My first memory of sports fandom, from around the time of this Carson episode, was getting my parents to buy me Wheaties because Jenner was on the box. I was five.

West is an asshole who pissed away a brilliant academic career on half-baked 'leftist' politics. He gives a bad name to academics who want to be more involved in politics.

Yep. And it's a sad thing that there will never be AVClub Classic coverage of Oz.

Too bad that's what you started with, because that's a major moment in the show where Beecher cracks/asserts himself after a season of being dominated by Schillinger. It's the sort of earned cathartic moment you don't see a lot on TV even now.

Ha! Funny!