The Flyin Hawaiian

35? That old hag should be playing grandmothers now!

We Hate Movies has 40 minutes of Spacey imitations lined up, 15 of them funny.

I think, rather than understated Trump support, the greater danger is Democrats thinking the election is in the bag and either staying home or voting third party (because a third party will solve everything!). That sort of thinking almost cost Mark Warner his VA Senate seat in 2014.

Dean's campaign was over before the scream; Iowa showed that his campaign was fatally disorganized, and Gephardt had baited him into an ugly war of attrition.

Sadly the downside is that their catalogue isn't as deep as it used to be…

The Superstore? Yeah it's online. Believe it or not, they're pretty efficient, and they sometimes throw some free shit in with your order.

It seems like they put so much effort into everything but making a good movie

Gore won the popular vote. Otherwise I think this more likely suggests that people ideologically comparable with the party out-of-power are more likely to identify as independent (Romney, Kerry) and that Bush was so toxic no one wanted to be Republican in 2008 (McCain).

Yeah. One of the things the Obama 2008 campaign deserves credit for is being the first Democratic campaign to recognize that modern elections are always base elections. You get your base to turn out, you win; it's not worth courting low-information 'independents'. (Evil genius Karl Rove got Bush elected twice while

Re: Kansas: while the Ag committee is one of the reasons The One They Call Tim Lost, you're right to suggest that the state's budget problems have more to do with it. Even Republicans realize that some of Brownback's tax breaks need to be rescinded, but the Tea Party rump in the state house has stopped any action.

I think the big 'horserace' news yesterday was that Hillary is 'pausing' advertising in CO and VA. The polling from those states must be great for her. I wonder if it's a bit early tho…

Yep. So I wonder if D's are ahead in 'independents' right now because a mass of liberal 'independents' joined the party to vote for Sanders in closed primaries (just spitballing; I've seen no evidence that this is the case).

See, I think Wye Oak are mediocre and dilettantish, and AVC's constant mostly-unwavering support of them is annoying. But this is a bit much.

In 'Little Fury Things', that bit at the end of the song where Mascus' squall guitar kicks in and envelops the rest of the song is the greatest guitar playing I've ever heard.

Didn't recognize the name, but I recognized him from the illustration. RIP to a great 'hey it's that guy'.


I saw that tour as well! Also, Ethyl Meatplow opened and my god they were horrible

I think the problem was that they were on Rick Rubin's American Recordings label, and they did a pretty shitty job of promoting their acts. SFSL is just as good as Loveless.

TKK are still worth seeing live, even if they haven't made an interesting album in 23 years.

That Mentallo record is where they went off the rails too; the cover isn't the only shitty part of it.