The Flyin Hawaiian

'I'll take any motherfucker's money if he's giving it away!'

There's an upvote! Hoard them while you can!

The Cure, 'One Hundred Years'
Hubert Kah, 'The Voice of Silence'
Keith LeBlanc, 'Mad Years'
Game Theory, 'Dripping (Rough Mix with Alternate Vocals)'
Psychic TV, 'Guiltless (For the Process)'
Fats Comet, 'O.K. Bye!'
A Split Second, 'Voodoo Witch'
Edera, 'Colours of Indifference'
Depeche Mode, 'Useless'
Coil, 'The First Five

I had the reply problem earlier this week but it went away last night. (I have an AVC-only account, not Disqus.)

Well, if guns are more important than pot for this voter, he needs to vote Republican. If this voter opposes gun *and* pot regulation, he probably believes in 'small government', which makes him a natural fit for the Republicans. Policy on pot may or may not shift during a Trump administration, but the party in

Am I wrong to think that AJ was forgetting lines during his promo? There were a few moments where after a long pause he'd restate something he already said with a slightly different detail, and at least once Cena seemed to jump in to cover for him. Might be another example of WWE over-scripting somebody.

and Triple H!

It's not the Whitman's ideology that I'm worried about, it's that she's an electoral disaster. (But in seriousness I agree with you.)

The survival of the Republic depends on indie musicians being banned from 'ironically' turning up-tempo songs into dirges. If Dr Stein is the only candidate willing to stand up to this menace she has my vote. Who needs vaccines anyway!

'Goodman and Morgan take the Buzzcocks’ archetypal pop-punk song and turn it into a downtrodden ballad'

Also, Johnson wants to abolish the Federal Reserve and return to the Gold Standard. That is literally saying, 'I will torch the economy of the United States!'

Ideally Hillary would say to Meg, 'nah, I'm good'.

'It shows that deep down inside you know you are doing wrong voting for Clinton.'

Now read me this interview with homeopath, woo expert, and anti-vaccination sympathizer Stein and tell me she's not a lunatic:

Wow, that sounds exactly like an answer an anti-vaxxer would give.

I think it's safe to un-nuance your view of Nixon. He did not 'create' the EPA. It was created as part of the National Environmental Policy Act, a bill rooted in the Johnson administration, which had become increasingly concerned about environmental issues (if you want to credit someone for creating the EPA, it's

In fairness, babies are assholes

From here on the only Suicide squad I want to hear about is Martin Rev and Alan Vega (R.I.P.).

Hated the Drake on L.A. Law.

'Limiter' is a great song from that record.