The Flyin Hawaiian

I think of the thinkpiece as a subgenre of the essay, one that emphasizes the 'problematic' nature of some popular cultural artifact. I don't think Montaigne wrote any of those, expect for that one time when he wrote that the sexual politics in As You Like It did not adequately address race.

Toni Tony Tone must do it again!

I know, this took me back to a time when AVC wasn't so devoted to the Thinkpiece. Thank the deity that O'Neal's back.

While I would normally argue for Medicine's Shot Forth Self Living or Lush's Gala as best shoegaze album, in this contentious year I feel it is important to build bridges with my colleagues, so I accept this compromise.

At my school the guys got World Party's Private Revolution and the girls got the self-titled Indigo Girls album. I still hear the latter a lot on campuses.

Machines of Loving Grace kinda stands out. Was it a gift?

No, a Mission of Burma greatest-hits is not sufficient. You must own at least Vs and Signals, Calls, and Marches or you are not a real American. (Although I'd guess your best-of CD combines the two? I'm not aware of them having a cherrypicked greatest hits comp.)

If Trump wins the presidency, the Democrats did not win the senate.

The first thing that happens is the Republicans reject Merrick Garland's nomination to the Supreme Court. So shit gets bad immediately.

Unless it's a Florida 2000 situation, I don't think Trump would have the institutional support to contest an election.

Used to? Charlottesville VA had a debate about fluoride in the water a few years back.

Exactly. Same reason the Kochs aren't funding Trump this cycle. The moneyed wing of the Republican Party knows Trump would bring economic catastrophe.

Do a Lexis/Nexis search for 'Ralph Nader' in broadcast transcripts for NBC, CBS, and ABC from the 2000 election campaign. Then do another one for the cable news networks. If not convinced, do the same for major newspapers. On a simple factual basis, you are wrong; Nader received plenty of mainstream coverage in that

Carolyn Heldman, the original 'hippie preppy girl you knew in college'.

And they had some left over for 'Life's What You Make It'!

I didn't recognize Barbara Crampton in You're Next, but when I saw her name in the end credits I immediately watched the whole thing again. She was, of course, awesome in Reanimator and From Beyond, and her one remaining scene in Body Double is a great example of an actor making the best of a crappy role. Her comeback

No. But self-righteous critiques of an imaginary Hillary Clinton foreign policy platform by someone who only cares about dead women and children as a rhetorical device? HILARIOUS

The things to keep to mind about the DLC are 1) it's not a thing anymore; 2010 took care of the last of it; 2) when it started the country really was to the right of the Democrats, and they were at risk of finding themselves in the political wilderness unless they found some accommodation with the center/right. Yes,

yeah a write-in vote that'll learn 'em