The Flyin Hawaiian

It's disappointing that the parenthetical credits for Alison Anders include Four Rooms rather than Gas Food Lodging.

Thanks for socking it to that Spiro Agnew guy. RIP

That was a pretty good series, even if the grunge episode ended up unironically defending Nickleback. (I believe it was a Canadian doc, so they get some leeway.)

Lest we forget, Gordon had a role on The Wire. He might be angling for a guest spot on Westworld.

I suspect Bill Simmons agreed to a lower salary if HBO gave him a show. It's the only way I can explain how that made it to air.

HBO was been showing reruns of that; I'll bet it because Lin-Manuel Miranda did some interstitials on it.

Bob's barely done new material for Sesame Street since 2004 (although he might be responsible for some of the music, perhaps?) I don't recall seeing Luis that much either. Gordon still shows up a lot.

I've got $15 on 'mutters "that bitch" a bit too loudly'

Honestly, I wish That Metal Show's format could be adopted for other genres. There should be more places for music discussion that are 1) not reflexively ironic; 2) not afraid to be critical (i.e., no 'Poptimism').

Definitely the high point of Colin Quinn's.

Yes but without awkward Kevin Seal/Dave Kendall banter it's not the same thing

The Rahm thing really struck me. His political career is over (and deservedly so). I wonder if that was something of a sop to Bernie or busters (although I doubt most of them remember Rahm, the DWS of Obama's first term).

I think Tim Kaine: Your Embarrassing Dad will be a great follow-up to Joe Biden: Coolest Dude in Scranton PA

I thought Prince himself confirmed the story was mostly true.

*America gets 4-party system*

After retirement, Steve Carlton moved to an isolated compound in Idaho and became a full-on-crazy, raging right winger. So OriginalRS may be Steve Carlton!

Not a fan of middle-aged punks forming a guitar ensemble?

Or Tone. Where the hell is Tone?

Yeah I'm surprised they haven't done this already. Fugazi's been selling live shows online for a few years. And Dischord always kept their prices as low as possible so as many people who wanted to by their records could afford them.

My god she sounds like a living South Park parody of a liberal.