The Flyin Hawaiian

I don't think they did, but I also think conference organizers did a pretty good job containing the bullshit, and Hillary had been priming her followers for a few weeks to support Obama. The difference this year was the sudden Wikileaks intervention on the eve of the convention, which seems to have re-ignited a Bern

uh yeah no one…

The New Era needs its Barry Horowitz and Randy Wolfe!

"Reagan raised taxes"

Well you *are* someone who suspiciously parrots right-wing Hillary talking points and thinks 'DLC' is a devastating insult, so, yeah for now I'm putting you in with LaRouche.

To be fair tho, standing behind a Lyndon LaRouche table at the mall doesn't count as being 'engaged in politics'

Yeah, we've gone around about this before. I think the problem is overstated, and I don't think it's limited to Democrats.

Oh, absolutely 100%. They would have turned on Bernie before inauguration day because he didn't appoint Jill Stein or Cornell West to his cabinet.

Show me classism in the current Democratic platform.

'They've become the Tea Party of the left'

'It's almost as if people don't want to vote for a bought for politician that flip flops whenever there's a group that needs pandering. '

And did he introduce

Your political opinion is your own, but it's worthless without any sort of coalition. Nobody's politics are so damn special that they don't fit under one of the two parties. Just because you disagree with some of the platform of the party closest to your politics doesn't make it a smart move to create a new one. If

Sarah Silverman is an American Hero.

I like Yglesias, but his unwavering belief in the unambiguous benefit of Economic Globalization and Free markets is a stain on his work. To be fair, unlike a lot of people who argue for same he advocates a robust social safety net to address the problems caused by globalization–he's an advocate of expanded social

'I've even heard of people who receive honorary doctorates demanding they be referred to as "doctor."'

Hey you gotta make sure you hit both sides. Trump is a psychopath, but Kaine is boring–both parties are bad!

And Supreme Allah from Oz! He had the best death in the entire series.

It's almost as if people didn't know anything about Tim Kaine before declaring him boring!

Why would you want the Libertarian or Green party to get 5% of the vote? Look up 'Reform Party' and see how well that worked when they crushed the threshold. And that's what would/will happen whenever a third party gets some traction. In any case, if we somehow had viable a third party, people would just whine about