
Both Will's "kill" scene and Hannibal's were fully intended to be confusingly disturbing and sexual.  Will on his knees over the nurse, Hannibal literally nuzzling Miriam from behind.  If you aren't feeling it, watch again, maybe without the sound…there's definite sexual heat.

Lana Kane Mads is the reason I own an all regions DVD player.

I thought the use of fish hooks was a clue that Hannibal had a hand in this. I can't help but think Lecter's going to be revealed as everybody's therapist in the end….the puller of all the stings.

This, for me, was the weakest of the three aired so far, so you should enjoy the first two.  I'll be looking forward to David Slade's return directing the next two episodes. 

I saw it at SXSW and unfortunately Shane wasn't at the screening I attended, but other members of the cast and crew were.  It's a pretty stunning film.  Would have liked to have heard from him, but his co-star did a nice job representing when the questions got tough.

Who's on first?

I hope you are joking.  Pelle the Conqueror, Wild Strawberries, The Exorcist, The Magician, The Seventh Seal, The Diving Bell and the Butterfly, Hannah and Her Sisters, Through a Glass Darkly, Hour of the Wolf, The Emigrants, The Virgin Spring

I'm afraid I'll need to bring a horse blanket.  A tissue won't do the job.

a favorite of mine, as well

He can leave his bike in my garden twice a day and three times on Sunday.

As a "HUGE fan" you really need to see Peacock. 

He injects a bit of integrity into each of these POS films, imo.  Just got in from seeing Musketeers and giving it a C- is doing it a kindness. 

No mention of my boyfriend, Mads Mikkelsen?


I'm feeling quite pleased with myself right now for honestly enjoying doggy-style.

Don't be sorry. Here's someone who agrees with you and is glad to see someone has brought up this surprising and disappointing bit in Scott's review. A large part of my love for the Swedish film (I'm admitting it's feverish) is Hedebrant's performance, and why I'm still on the fence about seeing the remake.

ZMF on youtube? Thank you, Jesus.

Fuck it. I'm still going to see this shit just for Mads Mikkelsen. Even if he only has two lines, he's delivering them wearing a skirt.

Noel's is the best analysis of the Duplasses' failure to fully satisfy that I've come across.