
I laughed way more in Daybreakers, but I'm pretty sure that's not the response they were going for.

ptown, I think I love you.

I'm also in the ZERO club.

As a Mads and Pusher trilogy fan I'm glad to know I don't have to give up hope on VR. Yes, Pusher series is on Netflix Instant Play.

Who ever trusted Guillermo? I kept thinking I must have missed an episode or something every time she'd meet with him and talk plans. Then I'd think, oh, they are just fucking with each other. Yeah, that was no surprise croquet mallet to the noggin. Sheesh.

and I watch.

@ Felt - if you ARE Buddy Guy, dude, I saw you last night and you fucking killed.

Remarkable performance! Mr. Copley must have picked up some acting skills along the way whilst managing that talent agency.

Why so shocking with Huppert and Argento on the jury?

I think ZMF may have written this review of Crank 2, and I give him - if not the film - a standing O, if so.

Chatting over the fence to Neighborhood Professional I'd say that, for this weekend's fantasies, Mr. Bale has been replaced by Sam-Fucking-Worthington.

What Johnson says makes me feel some better. I was really only in it for Liev.

Thanks for the orgasm, El Z.

@C E Jacket: I also learned from a movie - escapes me which right now - that dogs can't eat chocolate.

I would fuckin Hate to have to do that, Dr. R!

I know I'm always disappointed when I don't get full frontal from Ewan.

I laughed a lot and liked the movie more than I thought I would going in. It's impossible not to love Paul Rudd in this. But I'll admit that seeing this on opening night at SXSW at the beautiful and filled to capacity Paramount Theatre has got to be the best way to see any film.

No. There really was no highlight. I wish we had seen I Love You, Man and gone straight out into the cold and drizzle to the parties.

I agree. I bit too much wine the night before and showing up at work in yesterday's makeup always makes me look years older.

Patrick Wilson's Ass
My Hero.