
I like how last season the show was being criticised for having "low stakes" and now its characters are being "too extreme".

I wonder how much of negative critics reviews can be attributed to reviewers being shitty at Netflix for not giving them any episodes early then watching all 15 episodes in a row to try and be the first to publish.

I'm going to throw on a skirt, take off my underwear and make your pop pop proud.

Give Pop Pop your hair!

Dream Builders > Believe > Crisis

It redeemed itself a little bit in the last few minutes but overall it was underwhelming, same as last seasons final. 
My Season 4 ratings were:
History 101 C+, Paranormal Parentage C, Conventions of Space C, Alternative History D, Cooperative Escapism B+, Advanced Doc C+, Economics of Marine B, Herstory of Dance B,


Sure. Because Jim & Pam's baby just made the show amazing…

I watch this show to laugh.

This show does more explaining to the camera than Better Off Ted now…except that show also used to have funny moments. I thought the episode itself was a C, the only character who I enjoyed tonight was Shirley.

I probably laughed more at the first 10 minutes than I have all season and during most of Season 3. Some really great one-liners made up for a bizarre plotline. The only mediocre parts were the hot air balloon song and the cold open.

This was an incredibly funny episode and just reminded me how amazing the cast is.

SeinfeldVision the shit out of Late Night!

Maybe Jay can replace Jack Donaghy on God Cop.

This is the Up All Night of the season. It should have worked. It's had some really good episodes sprinkled through. But almost every week it ends up massively underwhelming.

WHAT? It's not going to change to "Ya Heard The Final Word with Perd". DAMMIT NBC.

The Troy/Shirley subplot was the highlight of the episode and probably the season for me. I'd probably rate the episode as whole a B-.

Oh great, so people will complain after every episode of Parks like they did for Seasons 3-6 of 30 Rock.

Anyone else instantly think of 30 Rock after seeing the ending? "You know, some people actually craft stories, and when the story doesn't have an ending you don't just create one out of thin air by playing music or having people give each other meaningful looks. Sure, that might manipulate an audience into thinking

I really liked this episode. Maybe it was the fact that I'd seen Community and The Office underperform before watching Parks but I thought it was a solid A- episode.