Head of Marketing

"the 'honesty' of Richard III—and all classic literature—is how it explores an aspect of humanity and gives an understanding of the emotions behind human behavior. "

Is it the fault of the executives that Joe the Plumber keeps bringing his kids to see Transformers?

"Yes, he only gave negative examples, but that's how persuasive writing works. "

Franchises are a much safer investment for film studios.

With the huge increase in revenue from foreign markets, we should be living in a truly golden age for Hollywood.

It's a little known fact that Hancock was written with Danny McBride in mind for the lead role. It would have been far darker and would have necessitated an R rating.

That only-the-baby-can-see-the-magic-portal pitch for Up All Night was my idea.

"unintentionally admitted his career decision were cold, calculated ones made more or less to achieve fame and riches, major elements of scientology"

Sadly, that's better than any rhyme the Gambino has written.

Agreed. I'm not even sure about the "Great art requires honesty. Which, y’know, duh." bit.

Everybody Hurts is a terrific song. It tells the listener not to feel bad about feeling down because everyone feels bad at some point.

Don't worry, we're retconning it instead.

Howdy avclubbers, we've got great plans for season two of Hannibal.

Silence Of The Lambs meets Casablanca?

The main problem with Farscape is that it doesn't appeal to enough target demographics. Same issue with Firefly.

Chances are he'd love it! Our studio boffins used an exciting new formula in creating the film which helps it appeal to an exceptionally large number of people from a wide set of demographics.

I would like to option this story.

"Flawless […] beautiful" - Eamonn Fetherston, avclub.

Good work, Dowd. You should look forward to seeing your name on the back of the R.I.P.D. blu-ray box: