
Gary should have stayed with Dana.

Is it good? Is the dancing good?

Me too. I have watched all the episodes now and the dancing is definitely the best part. Is there going to be a second season or is this a one-off thing? I really hope there's another season. The ballet world is such a great setting for a show, and when the dancing is at the level it is here then it's basically

she looks twenty-something to me. seems like you just wanted to mention you vaguely know the actress. good for you.

Although you would think, as a drug counsellor, she would have come across many (or at least a few) 'jessa' types, so would know what jessa's deal is.

So you're a pedo? Creepy.

Thanks Mike. One of my favourite films of the noughties.

I really liked Marie Antoinette. LiT and Somewhere were okay. The Virgin Suicides is her best imho.

Yeah, it didn't read like an 'F' review to me either. The reviewer noted a couple of things in the show which stopped it from becoming full-on terrible. "It's dumb, but never dull".
It sounds kind of fascinating in a trainwreck kind of way. I may have to watch this.

which quote would that be?

me too. both are great.

The first time I watched season 3 I thought it stunk, but subsequent viewings changed my mind. It maybe the weakest season of the three, but it's hilarious nonetheless. Even Charlize grew on me.

The first time I watched season 3 I thought it stunk, but subsequent viewings changed my mind. It maybe the weakest season of the three, but it's hilarious nonetheless. Even Charlize grew on me.

6.2 million? The highest ratings Buffy ever had were about that - and it got 7 seasons! wtf? or does the wb not count as a network? i have no idea. not american.

6.2 million? The highest ratings Buffy ever had were about that - and it got 7 seasons! wtf? or does the wb not count as a network? i have no idea. not american.

I didn't enjoy this episode as much as the other two this season. Something felt really off about it but I can't put my finger on what it is. The pacing? Everyone, especially Liz and Jack, seemed harried and in a rush to get their lines out. Am I the only one who felt this way? 
There were some great lines but overall

I didn't enjoy this episode as much as the other two this season. Something felt really off about it but I can't put my finger on what it is. The pacing? Everyone, especially Liz and Jack, seemed harried and in a rush to get their lines out. Am I the only one who felt this way? 
There were some great lines but overall

All about eve ftw

All about eve ftw

Matthew Broderick was the funniest thing in this episode. They need to make him a regular this season and get rid of hazel (sorry kristen).