Thatches Moynihan

I was in that same traffic jam. Siri, bless her heart, tried mightily to re-route me around the worst spots, but every back country road was just as clogged as the interstates. And then to top it off, a hellacious rainstorm opened up as I started to approach Chicago. I think it was ten hours, all told.

And the hilariously bad reading of that line that Dee Dee gave was the best out of about 20 takes, according to the DVD commentary.  What a great movie.

Excellent choice with the Lunachicks track.

But CB4 had Dead Mike.  He’s blackety-black and he’s black y’all!

I was living in France during Xena’s heyday, and I remember reading an article in the newspaper about how French Xena fans had discovered American fan sites (the WWW was taking off about this time) and were reading about the lesbian subtext. Apparently all this was missing from the French translations, so the French fa

Volcano Girls rocks so god damn hard.

N. Gordon et al., “Volcano Girls,” Eight Arms to Hold You, bridge (1997).

What the hell happened on that album? The songs are really plodding, and you don’t even get a full-on Kim scream until track 9.  Thankfully they turned it around a bit on the next few records.

Crow-soundtracky-music isn’t really my bag, but I liked “Time Baby III” by Medicine. Which led me to discover “Time Baby II,” which is a glorious noisy mess of a song and definitely my bag. Which led me to go see Medicine live, which led me to fall in love with Beth Thompson forever.

Now playing

Four Rooms. Fun little animation with some good gags, and a groovy Combustible Edison song.

Did I mention the Holocaust? I know, I know, the Holocaust. But the Holocaust was a really big deal!

Now playing

Lone Justice performing “Working Late” on some MTV NYE show in the late ‘80s. Maria McKee just rips it up, all while wearing the dorkiest dress you’ve ever seen.

Well that was confusing as hell, but I think it worked? Am I grey?

I’m in the same boat, and have been keeping an eye out for said instructions. So far, nothin’.

When I say we, you say suffered!

So Rachel, I see those egg council creeps have got to you too!

OK, how about this: for every redesign you give us back one old feature we liked. I vote for the return of made-up-on-the-spot user names.

There was a Kill Rock Stars/Lookout! compilation from the mid-90s called "A Slice of Lemon" that had a hidden track. Couldn't tell you who it is or what it's called… sounds like maybe a bunch of people from various bands on the comp and they yell "Fuck the motherfuckin' president" a lot. Anyone know the story on

Behold gravity, in all its glory!

Kim WAS the guitarist. She used to get into punch-ups with the bassist. Actually, Melanie Vammen played guitar too when they used to be a four-piece, and Kim didn't like her much either, now that I think about it.