
Yes. Exactly.

Is YTW really that good? i watched 15 minutes of it, and it was like watching what happens after 2 drunk people go home with each other from a bar - something I would never actually want to do. I had to turn it off. The pilot gave me no reason to care about either character, other than to watch flashbacks of them

Ah that's right. It seems the writers feel that showing 1 second looks inside the characters jobs was enough for us to believe that they're believable characters that we can relate to. This is bad writing. They're assuming that we don't care what they do or who they are, as long as we laugh at the jokes. That's too

Exactly. When Gil says, "Let's go out and buy furniture" I immediately thought, "Do you even have any money, Gil? Where do you work if you sleep 16 hours a day?"

I don't think Tamra is on the show anymore.

That movie was seriously such a good surprise.