Matthew Johnston

Alias is a show about a scientist!


Coincidental random string in Youtube URL….or not?

Why would you try to cast Phoenix for anything other than The Joker or maybe the Riddler?

So, seriously like pen and paper then?

I know this much is true

Totally unrealistic and unbelievable - no conspiracy theory website would ever be that well designed.

In fairness, Deadshot only said that they were an organization, so you'd be doing a bad job if you didn't even Google the name first. I MEAN BING!

<fanwank>Diggle was presumably using a Windows Phone (because it would the most interoperable with all those Surface tablets and Lenovo PCs that the rest of Team Arrow use), and when you press the search button on those phones, you get Bing. Simple. </fanwank>

I think it's possible here that he's referring solely to Batman the character and not the combined personality of Batman and Bruce Wayne.

I really didn't like much of the Brody family's storylines last year and most of Dana's story had me yelling obscenities at the TV.

HILARIOUS video (that I didn't really watch but the thing is the same as this other shit that I want to peddle so whatever). Now some rambling generalities about the thing and how great it is so as to encourage you to definitely watch this other thing about the same thing. Awkward segue into a link to my thing about

Can't wait to see how they tackle the post-Katrina troubles of New Orleans in the same mature and in-depth way they've handled video games and computer related things in the past. 

The photo makes me think that Bob Newhart is a reanimated corpse.

Instead we'll just get a show with all the same locations, but everyone will have a wiffy accent and drink from cups with their pinkies out

For someone who doesn't like science-fiction, he's been in some doozies of the genre. Not including that mentioned already, he was the most memorable one-off character in Fringe, in that beautiful episode 'White Tulip'. Possibly my favourite episode of that show.

Can't hear "olds" without Ricky Gervais' pronunciation of it.

If they didn't before Veep, my guess is they all do now.